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As presumably a magic battle went on up above, the battle continued to rage down below. There were soldiers and sorcerers alike. One would just have to go along and hope that they end up fighting someone with a skill set not greater than theirs. The knights tried their hardest to fight magical threats, but fortunately the druids were always nearby. Even so, the battle was chaos. Arthur had never seen anything like it. People would randomly get thrown by some magic user or fire would start in the field. Meanwhile, those without magic just tried to keep their footing and their focus to avoid being killed. Finally, it seemed, Arthur found a short break in the battle. When he looked around he found Gwaine standing close to his right, just defeating another enemy soldier. Lancelot, as always, was right by the king's side making sure he was alright.

"Okay," Gwaine tried to catch his breath as he spoke, "you know I've been pretty busy and all and didn't catch the whole scene, but did anyone else see what's going on up there with Merlin and this weather?"

"He fell, there was a lightning bolt, then he stopped falling. After that, I was brutally reminded that there are people trying to kill me!" Arthur answered.

"He rose back up to the cliff. I could of sworn he was caught in some whirlwind and got back up. With his new power there's no telling what could happen," Lancelot explained.

"Well..." Arthur continued, "It seems that Merlin can handle himself quite well."

"Yeah, lets make sure we can too!" Gwaine noticed a few enemy soldiers running in at them and attacked.

It's a good thing he noticed because Arthur narrowly missed getting stabbed. Arthur quickly disarmed the man and finished him off. Suddenly it seemed that they were swarming with people trying to kill them. During the mess Elyan joined them, protecting his king. They cut down soldier after soldier in rhythm. Each soldier that they would defeat, another would take its place. It almost seemed like there was a never-ending amount of them. That was before the battle changed.

An earthquake shook the ground as a flash of light was seen across the whole battlefield. The source of the quake and light was not hard to find. Merlin and Morgana stood hand and hand on a ledge just above the battle. In a second, all the enemy soldier within twenty feet of Arthur and the others were thrown back. Lightning stuck the enemy lines as the earth continued to shake beneath them. Enemy soldiers were knocked over by strong winds and it became clear that nature itself was fighting in the battle. In unison, almost every soldier looked up in either amazement or fear from the sound of a mighty roar filling the sky. Turns out even Kilgarrah felt like joining the fight, Arthur thought to himself.

Taking advantage of all the distraction, Arthur led the final charge against the enemy. Arthur's soldiers gave a last battle cry before giving their advance. Camelot cut down every enemy soldier they could. Even the enemies' sorcerers were losing traction. Most of the time, if one of them cast a spell, it was blocked before it could even reach Camelot's army. The enemy was losing their offense, and Camelot had the best defenders in the world. The enemy lines were backing up, losing soldiers left and right.

Arthur couldn't help but nearly smile as he realized the victory was in their hands. As the chaos seemed to slow around him, he looked up at Merlin who turned and met his eyes with glowing gold ones. Arthur had never seen someone so powerful. No wonder the Druids would bow when they saw him. Merlin's expression was that of a warrior, determined and controlled. Then after a second, his expression changed. Arthur tried to determine what it meant. It almost seemed like... panic.

Merlin reaches out his hand and cried out,
"Arthur look out!"

Arthur didn't turn in time...

But someone else did.

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