Chapter 19: Unexpected Arrival

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Jackson said in his macho voice, "I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore. I want you to be my everything. Marry me, YN."

You gasped, putting you hands to your mouth. Everyone reacted the same, except Jungkook who stared crying and cursing under his breath. He sat down and wrapped his arms around his folded legs that were propped up against his chest and started rocking back and forth.


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"Ummmm...." you paused, unsure. You weren't positive if you wanted to marry him.

The ring Jackson proposed with was a 69 carrot gold silver sapphire ruby emerald pearl diamond iron steel wood platinum aluminum ring pop. Oh how beautifully it gleamed under the LED lights of Jackson's home. Once you saw the ring you perspective had changed.

"Well?" Jackson questioned, when you were taking five minutes to just stare at the ring lovingly.

"OH okay then." you finally answered in your uwu voice

Everyone erupted into cheers. They couldn't believe it. The night just kept getting better.

In the middle of the cheering, you asked cluelessly, "Wait...were we dating this whole time?"

Jackson smiled and replied, "No, now we're married,"

You nodded, completely understanding his clear words. You two had never dated but you felt like it was time to make a big step in your life, which was marriage. You knew nothing about this man, but you knew that you were ready to commit to him and this marriage and this 69 carrot gold silver sapphire ruby emerald pearl diamond iron steel wood platinum aluminum ring pop.

Jungkook's POV

When Jackson proposed to YN, I burst into tears. And when YN said agreed, I bursted into more tears. I don't know what came over me since i'm supposed to be the cold hearted heartless heartthrob bad boy of the high school but something about YN just warmed my cold hearted heartless heartthrob bad boy heart. When I am with her I no longer feel cold hearted heartless heartthrob bad boy. I thought we had a connection. But that changed when Jackson decided to pull out a ring. I felt many emotions run within my body like an electric shock. YN and I were supposed to be for lifers until death do us apart. But i guess it was all a lie a illusion a hallucination a misconception a delusion a sham.

I spoke up with a horse voice, "Y-YN...I thought we were supposed to be endgame," tears flowing down my cheeks.

End Jungkook's POV

You heard Jungkook's voice and looked back.

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