1. I'm just trying to get close

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I look at the clouds which are mostly covered with streaks of dove grey and subtle hints of purple, just enough to announce the sunset. I stand there for a few more minutes, taking in the beauty of London's sky. All my tiredness wears off as my eyes dive into nature. One thing I've learned undoubtedly is that air travel is not my cup of tea. It's too much of a process just to fly over a few hundred miles.

I pull out the phone from my pocket and book a cab. Standing near the exit of the airport, my eyes roam around as observing people has always been more interesting for me than scrolling through Instagram. Some people are laughing and some are crushing themselves into a hug while crying tears of happiness, some are busy with their phones and some are waiting for the cab just like me. My eyes land on a girl standing a couple of meters away from me.

"Shit," I cursed as her eyes meet mine. She starts walking towards me and I fidgeted my fingers while cautiously observing her. She stops right in front of me.

"Um, excuse me? Can you book a cab for me? My phone's dead." She asks softly while tugging a strand of blond hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, sure. Where are you headed to?" I ask.

She looks at me with her twinkling dark brown eyes and answers, "Abbey Road, Cottonwood Hostel No-4."

"Are you from Cottonwood Medical University?" I ask her out of curiosity.

"Yes, I'm new here. A first-year student, I mean." She answers and flashes a smile. "But, why do you ask?"

"Um, I'm also in my first year at CMU. Do you mind sharing a ride? I'm going to the same place."

"Would love to," she says and embraces me into a joyful hug which I didn't expect at all. I hug her back hesitantly.

I don't like people being touchy, or showing affection physically. I don't like to talk much either. That's probably the reason why I've never had many friends. My life has always been very simple, school to home and vice versa. I prefer staying at home rather than going out. My little sister, Rose, calls me a weirdo for such reasons. A smile forms on my face as I think about her.

"I'm Ella, Ella Brown," she says, breaking the hug.

I flash a small smile, "I'm Melissa Anderson."

"I've already booked the cab, it will be here in a couple of minutes," I tell her while looking at my phone.

Indeed, I don't like to talk much, but it's also true that I don't like people getting uncomfortable because of it. So, I try to initiate conversation.

"Uhm, I'm from France. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Scotland," she answers and then crouches down to tie her shoelace.

"You know, you are very beautiful." She comments as she looks up and winks. A blush ascends my cheek and not knowing what to reply, I whisper my thanks.

I sigh as the cab arrives. The driver gets our luggage and puts it in the trunk and we sit in the back seat. I look at her as she runs her hand through her hair, tying it into a bun.

"What?" She raises an eyebrow and blinks her eyes several times.

"N-nothing," I mumble and look outside the window.

I facepalm myself as I realize that I was staring at her. I was just trying to observe her. She looks bold and outspoken, unlike me. Sometimes I envy extroverts, it's so easy for them to make friends, talk with anyone and speak their minds. I like to stay low, but if someone crosses the limits, I can't seem to be the quiet, shy girl as everyone assumes me to be. That's the reason why my dad calls me 'Little Beasty.'

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