Chapter 17: Backwards, part 15

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Bree edged around the room, trying to blend into the shadows. Her part in the mission had been clear. She was supposed to hide and throw the metal stars, acting as an annoying bee to distract the enemy. She was so well hidden, that the Splinter and his henchmen couldn't tell where her weapons  were coming from.  A few times they had tried to throw the stars back at her, but she had already begun to move along the wall, and she just grabbed it and moved on. After a time of inching through the shadows, she came across poor Menacing Mike, who was still unconscious. Her heart ached with pity. He was covered in small cuts and bruises, he had a black eye, and his nose was bleeding and probably broken. He groaned and stirred. Bree bent down, and pulled him up into a sitting position. She didn't know much about medical care, and Donnie and Danyella were too busy fighting to come over and help, even if she somehow grabbed their attention. So, she ripped some of her sash with the sharp edge of a throwing star, and started using bits of it to clean blood and wrap around the worst of the poor boy's cuts. Up close, she could tell he was only fifteen. His hair was dirty blond, and damp from sweat and blood. His eyes fluttered open as she tossed another star at Rage.

"Who are you?" He asked in a tired, raspy voice. He sounded so much like Mikey, her heart instinctively fluttered.

Bree thought about how to best answer his question. Nurse? Family enemy? Friend?

"I'm just someone who wants to help." She whispered back.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "No one ever wants to help me." She saw him fight back tears.

"Well I do." Bree replied. She looked around, trying to find something else she could do to help. She looked down at Menacing Mike. "Can you walk?"

He nodded. "I think so."

She helped him up, and gently lead him to the window where she and her friends had climbed through. She quickly and carefully wrote a message onto the last strip her sash with a throwing star. The message read: Save him -Bree. She handed the pice of cloth to the Menacing Mike and told him to wait for her and her friends outside, and if something happened to her and the others didn't believe him to give them her pice of sash.

"Thank you." He said, as a tear streaked down his cheek. "I never... No one... No one's ever cared if I was okay..." he was crying openly now.

She gave him a hug. He stiffened at first, not sure how to handle non-violent touch, but soon hugged back. He waved goodbye and jumped up into the rafters.

Bree sighed. Poor Menacing Mike. He was just like Mikey, or would have been, but he had had such a rough childhood, he probably didn't know the true love of family. She hoped that Teng Shen and the Teenage Human Ninjas could show him that love. 

She turned back to the battle and concentrated on throwing.

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