Chapter 1: Our dimension

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Fourteen-year-old Bree sat in her room, her pencil eraser drumming against her desk rhythmically. She was very short and skinny for her age, making her look three years younger. Her light brown hair fell to her shoulder blades in waves. She wore a baggy pink shirt with a knot tied at the waist and dark jeans. But her most distinguishing feature was her crystal blue eyes.

 She jotted down some answers on her homework, her mind only partially focused. Suddenly, she heard a light buzzing to her right, coming from the wall above her bed. She stood, and walked slowly towards the wall as the buzzing got louder, and louder. A portal opened, right there in front of her. She gasped. The portal resembled the ones the aliens in her favorite TV show used. Krang technology she thught to herself, mystified. But instead of purple and pinkish swirls, it was colored four different shades of green, each one only slightly different from the other. 

The turtles tumbled out, a messy tangle of limbs on her carpet. Bree gasped and jumped back.

Eventually, the turtles untangled themselves. They don't seem to notice her, and she was glad because she figured they would go 'full ninja' and hide if they did. She walked back slowly, trying to find a corner to make herself less conspicuous. But she doubted any amount of darkness could hide her fangirl grin. 

"Mikey! Your gonna pay for that!!!" Ralph shouted. The orange and red masked vigalanties dashed around her room, knocking over her bunk mate's trinkets and lamps. 

Bree was had already been glad the other girls had gone out with the other orphanage girls, leaving her alone with her thoughts, but now she was grateful. No one else she knew liked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle show, and she could only guess how they would have reacted to four giant turtles with weapons.

Leo stood from the floor, the movement catching her eye. He grabbed Raph's shoulder, stopping him from continuing to chase the blur in orange.

"What did Mikey do this time?" Leo asked with a sigh.

"He had his stinking, grubby foot in my mouth when we landed!" Ralph snarled, staring daggers at Mikey, who cowered behind Leo.

"Guys?" Donnie said tentatively.

"Raph, calm down. It's not like it's the first time. Why can't you just let it go?" Leo said, ignoring Donnie.

Donnie muttered to himself "They're not gonna hear me for a while. GUYS!" Mikey turned, adressing his brother.

"What up D?" Mikey asked, cool as a cucumber.

Donnie face-palmed. "We have company." He said, pointing at Bree. The other turtles froze.

"No! Wait! Please don't go! I'm a huge huge fan!" Bree begged. The turtles donned confused expressions, but their bodies remained rigid. Well, except for Mikey's.

"Bros, we have a FAN! How epic is that?! How do you know about us, dudette?" Mikey inquired.

"So, you guys are basically super famous, and there are movies and TV shows about you." Bree gushed as the four turtle's chins dropped. "My personal favorite is the 2012 TV show, which it looks like is the one you guys are from. You have no idea how much you guys and that show means to me! It's been a kind of coping mechanism and a major comfort show."

"Your telling me..." Donnie said, trying to process "you're not... scared, of us?"

"Why would I be scared of my heroes?" Bree replied

TMNT Dimensions (completed, under editing)Where stories live. Discover now