Ch15 The Confrontation at Malfoy Manor

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It looked like no one else was going to say anything, so Scorpius grabbed Rose's hand and left. Scorpius proceeded to show Rose Malfoy Manor, as they went through the house hand in hand, talking and occasionally giggling. Rose could not help it; redecorating Malfoy Manor would be like a dream come true.

When it was time for lunch Draco came out of his office smelling of too much to drink. He plopped down at one end of the formal dining room table, scowling. Astoria had assumed her 'I am above all this drama' snotty look. Great-grandmother Malfoy was furious.

Great-grandmother Black was looking at Scorpius and Rose with a questioning look, like she was thinking of more than just this one couple. She and Narcissa exchanged looks often.

A grinning Narcissa Malfoy stated, "Welcome to Malfoy Manor, Rose."

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy," Rose politely replied. "You have a beautiful house."

"Scorpius says you have a talent for house decorating, Rose," Narcissa continued. "I do think this house needs a rather large amount of redecorating."

"It needs to be more child friendly if Scorpius and I are going to fill this house with happy Part-Muggle children," Rose giggled.

Scorpius grinned so broadly that his face almost glowed.

Draco, who had been sipping a glass of water, spit it all over, and glared at Scorpius and Rose. One of the Elves quickly cleaned up the mess.

Narcissa was obviously enjoying the conversation.

Draco looked like he was going to yell again, but Narcissa silenced her son with a fierce look.

Scorpius turned the conversation towards the scrolls they had been looking at, dealing with Goblins and wands, and no more was said about Scorpius staying at Malfoy Manor.

Shortly after lunch Scorpius and Rose took the Floo back to Potter's New Burrow.

Dinner was a little early that evening, so Ron could go back to work. As long as she could have her family over Molly had no problem working around Ron's retail schedule, or the at times chaotic schedules of the other family members.

"How was your meeting at Malfoy Manor, Scorpius, Rose," a grinning Ron wondered. "All full of sweetness and light?"

"Mr. Malfoy was so upset he spit up all over the table," Rose giggled. "Scorpius reminded him that he, Scorpius, was a hero because of killing the basilisks."

"That was not what made him so upset that he spit all over the table," Scorpius warily suggested.

Rose giggled. She sighed. This whole Scorpius being her boyfriend had gone much quicker than she expected it would. Had she really just fallen in love? She looked at Scorpius and cautiously admitted, "I said we would need to make Malfoy Manor more child friendly for Scorpius and my part Muggle children."

Harry volunteered, "I'm surprised Draco didn't wet his pants."

Ginny laughed out loud, "How do you know he didn't?"

"How did the rest of the family react?" Hermione wondered, grinning herself.

"You don't mind?" Rose asked her mother.

"I hope there is not a marriage or grandchildren any time soon, but it is not an unpleasant future," Hermione thought.

"I think my grandmother Malfoy was all on our side," Scorpius volunteered.

"She is," Molly confirmed. "She was over here briefly late this afternoon."

"Mum just hates everybody, so I am not sure if it made any difference to her," Scorpius suggested.

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