Chapter XVIII: Unbreakable Part I

Start from the beginning

Stefan melts Billy's eyes and brains with his heat vision blasting it into and through his skull.

Billy screams in horror as his voice starts gargling blood.

His dead body twitches as he is dropped to the ground.

"CLARK!!! GET US OUTTA HERE!!!" yelled Quill.

Peter clenches his fist as he faces up against Stefan, with eyes quivering like crazy.

Stefan growls as he prepares to blast Peter with his heat vision.




"RAUGH!!!" yelled Stefan.

(theme begins)

Several Iron Man armors, an entire army of them, faces against Stefan.

"Called in some neighboring Universes and borrowed their suits," smiled Tony. "Gave them a few upgrades since they were pretty damned primitive."

Tony sees Thor's body.

Tony clenches his fist. "You're gonna pay for that."



"Mr. Stark..." Peter smiled with tears in his eyes as he sees Tony's comeback.

"RAUGH!!!" howled Tony.

Several Iron Men armors then blast red sun at Stefan.

Bruce, Damian, Cassandra, Wade, Harley, Frank, and Matthew appear in the background and meet with the others.

"Hey..." said Bruce. "I'll buy you some time. I promise."

Bruce's suit transforms into a large hulk-sized armor about eight feet tall with a large muscular body.

"Unbreakable-Buster Armor... Activated..." said Computer.

Bruce flew toward Tony as Bruce brought out his armor's main weapon: Kryptonite alloy fists.

Stefan spits out blood. He checks his lips and sees that he's bleeding.

"H-... How?" asked Stefan.

"Because I'm Batman," said Bruce, as he blasted his fists at Stefan.

"RAUGH!!!" yelled Bruce, as he blasted his mecha suit's fists at Stefan.

Stefan tries to dodge but his speed was greatly weakened.

"You still think that you're unbreakable?" asked Bruce, as he exchanged fists with Stefan.

Rock Bottom begins to retract into his body.

"You're not a god," said Bruce, as he blasts another punch. "You're not even a man."

The Iron Men blast at Stefan over and over again.

"Uh... Mr. Wayne? Ding dong-..." said Tony, as The Reverse-Flash zooms in.

"I'll take him," said Barry.



Barry's golden lightning and Eobard's red lightning clash together as the two spins around each other and blast their fists at each other.

Stefan blasts his punches at Bruce as Bruce blocks his fists and shoots missiles filled with ionized electrons at him.

Stefan growls as he blasts his Omega Beam, zigzagging toward Bruce.

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