Chapter IX: The Anti-Life Equation

Start from the beginning

"Sorry," said Bruce. "I'm not used to -..."

"Seriously, man. Come on!" yelled Tony. "Can you believe this loser?
See? That's how you do it, Superman. You question them and berate them."

"Oh. Thanks," smiled Clark, as he blasts toward the army and melts them away with his heat vision.

"Weird guy," said Frank.

The trio stares at the army being slaughtered by the Superheroes.

"Wait! That wizard might still be -!" yelled Tony, as Doom appears behind the pair.

"Might still be alive?" asked Doom.

Bruce spins and blasts a Shattered Star toward Doom, who teleports and blasts energy beams at Tony. Tony blasts his repulsion beams at Doom, flying upward and dodging his attacks.


Frank shot at Doom as Bruce flew up and shot shattered stars and missiles at Doom.

Doom grabs Tony's shoulder.

"You killed my mother, Stark..." said Doom.

"I killed a lot of people's mothers... and by helping Darkseid, so did you -..." said Tony, as Bruce stabbed Doom in the leg with a grappling hook. Doom growls and screeches. "- But the difference between you and me is that... I've changed...."

Bruce pulled Doom as he slammed him into the ground.

Bruce and Tony then manifest giant laser guns from their backs and blast powerful beams at Doctor Doom.

(theme begins)

Superman blasts his heat vision into the several Starro Zombies. Suddenly, he is slapped away by the powered-up Starro as Superman lands on the ground and slides on his feet. He stomps on the ground and blasts a punch into Starro.

Starro roared.

The army spoke in harmony. "I want my revenge on the one called Harley Quinn."

"Vengeance?" asked Clark, as he blasted another punch to Starro. "I think this is just plain old revenge. So this is your way?
My way?"


Starro's arm is melted off by Clark.

"Truth... and Justice!" Clark blasts himself into Starro over and over as he punctures Starro's eye, going through his brains.

(theme ends at 1:14)

Starro drops to the ground, dead...

"Jesus Christ, Clark!" yelled Carol, flying next to Clark.

"What?" asked Clark.

"You blasted his brains open! Christ!"

"Yeah? So? He was trying to kill our friends."

"I'm sorry!? What the hell, Clark!? I've never seen you done this before!"

"That's because most of the time, we lose in fights because we're always fighting Darkseid."

Captain Marvel's annoyed face changes to horror.

"What?" asked Clark.

Clark turns around and sees someone behind him.

"Former holder of the Anti-Life Equation..." he sneered. "How pathetic..."

Clark turns around and sees Darkseid.

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