Chapter 1 Who/Where Am I?

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3rd Person, forever and always... (Just for now.)

Y/n, an overworked office worker. Stressed out and abused when he was young. Never committed a single crime, regardless of the benefits.

During his younger years, Y/n tried running away, taking his stuff with him. But he was quickly caught and beat by his father, and sent back to his room while the father went off to go get a drink for himself.

Y/n lived as a half American and half Japanese, with black hair and blue eyes. One day, while walking back from a late work night, Y/n saw a group of men surrounding a woman. They all wore black and gray. The woman was scared, and was calling for help, no-one else was around besides Y/n however.

Y/n decided he was going to help, in some way... Y/n grabbed a trash can and walked over to the allyway that the group of 3 had dragged the woman down, and he chucked the trash can at the man directly in front of the woman, stunning the man while Y/n ran in close, and poke the man in the eyes. At this point, Y/n had taken off his coat, and back away from the attackers, who had growled in anger and started walking towards him.

"Ingaba ucinga Ungubani!?" Said the hurt group member.

Y/n don't know what he said at all, but Y/n guessed he was cursing him.

"Leave her alone!" Y/n said in his normal voice, and took a fighting stance, ready to beat these clowns into a pulp.

The group charged at Y/n and the first one to get folded was the middle one, who was far too angry and hurt to put up a good fight, and Y/n slammed his fist into his still moving head after dodging a weak excuse for a swing. This instantly knocked the group member out, and the other two hesitant, backed up a few steps.

"Sizakufumana kwixa elizayo!" The one on the left yelled while running away. The other one ran too, seems like they didn't care about the one laying infront of Y/n.

"Are you okay ma'am?" Y/n asked the woman, who had smiled and nodded, "Yeah, thank you!" She pulled out a phone and dialed (Law Enforcement Number).

Y/n had saved someone for the first time in his life, he felt good, he had been training for a while, years of practice and strength training had paid off. He walked out the ally and picked up his coat, and walked back home again. Never used a car, that'd just hurt the environment and put him out of shape, he didn't want to get soft. And his work wasn't too far from his house. After arriving, Y/n had hung up his coat and went to go out ice on his hand, he had hurt himself when he punched that delinquent.

Y/n woke up the next morning and readied for work again, that was until police had shown up at his door.

*Knock knock knock knock*

Y/n checked the door's eye thingie, and saw a pair of police officers with a pencil and clipboard.

Y/n opened the door and the officer on the right spoke, "Y/n L/n? Only listed resident of this household, can you describe the suspects that had fleed the scene yesterday?"

"Yeah, let me think..." Y/n told them what he knew and the officers let him go, and he walked to work.

When he walked in, he sat down at his desk and started working on a project that he was assigned, because he was getting paid good money for it.

During his shift, he heard yelling, and could hear a voice say, "BOMB!" He quickly got up and ran over, he was going to see if this was true, maybe he could help get everyone out?

He ran over to a crowd of people who had started backing away from another person, who had his coat open and held a finger on the trigger, "Shit." Y/n said to himself, he pushed the crowed apart and walked towards the man.

"Stay back! I'll blow this place to hell!" This man wanted attention, Y/n could tell, but it was far too late for this man. The building that Y/n worked in was 10 stories tall, Y/n worked and is on the 8th floor.

The man backed up against the glass of the floor, and he turned back to look at what he had hit for a moment, and in that moment, Y/n had sprinted at him, he knew, it was either him or everyone here. Y/n grabbed his hand and kept his finger on the detonator as he wrapped his other hand around his back, keeping him from blowing up, on the way down... Y/n had tackled the man, but he broke through the glass, Y/n figured it was probably for the best, there was no way that he'd be able to keep the man's finger on the trigger long enough for a bomb squad to come and get rid of the explosive. The man had wiggled his finger away from the trigger halfway down, and a loud bang was heard throughout the city.

The next day, a damage report counted 2 casualties, the man who had saved the building, and the man who had the bomb. The rest of the damage was building damages from the explosion, luckily, no-one was on the floor that exploded, and only the nearby windows had shattered. A fire quickly broke out, but everyone already started evacuating, and on the way down, a few brave workers took to the fire before it could spread too far. Getting rid of the fire with fire extinguishers.

Y/n's family was long dead, no-one really knows who he was, but they call him a hero. Unfortunately, that's not what God called him...

Y/n had the usual, a brief confrontation with God, and he had his mind wiped clean of it, and was sent down to hell...

After Y/n's cast to hell, that he doesn't even fondly remember, he thought he was still falling from the 8 story drop, but then he opened his eyes, the city he lived in was twisted black, and the sky was a deep blood red, a bright red symbol in the sky.

After Y/n's cast to hell, that he doesn't even fondly remember, he thought he was still falling from the 8 story drop, but then he opened his eyes, the city he lived in was twisted black, and the sky was a deep blood red, a bright red symbol in th...

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Y/n currently was kilometers above the symbol, and was falling faster than he thought he would survive, he put his hands to face, but notices that he was wearing gloves, for some reason.

"Wait, these aren't gloves

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"Wait, these aren't gloves..." Y/n said in a deep voice...

(Background; the city drawing, isn't mine, nor is the cover art.) (Also, I put chapter names up whenever I feel like it, call this the introduction if you wish.)

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