Ancient Temple Spelunking

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"That. Was. The. Weirdest. Feeling. Ever." I stated, mildly angrily.

This time a chuckle seemed to resonate from within the chamber. Of course Hylia has a wicked sense of humour.


The rest of the fairies were way easier. But after collecting the rest, a secret final room opened up.

"Oh, COME ON!" I yelled out in frustration. "I don't remember it being this difficult!"

I still walked into it, given that I hadn't received the item yet. I walked in, and immediately the atmosphere felt different. This room felt dark, like it was created with evil intentions. It was extremely dark the further back into the room you looked, with only the light from outside shining into the room.

"What is the point of this room Hylia? Why does it feel evil." I muttered.

As if to answer my question, a loud roar was heard from deep within the room. From the darkest corner of the room came a lumbering giant. With his glowing red eyes, and his wooden mask covering his face, he was already intimidating. Add onto that the massive sword and shield he was carrying, I nearly soiled my trousers. God my old time brain was kicking in.

"Any chance we can talk this out?" I feebly asked.

I assumed his answer was a no, given by the fact that he swung his sword at me, attempting to cleave me in half. I drew my sword and newly reacquired Hylian Shield to defend myself.

"Alright. I've beaten guys way bigger than him before. This should be a cakewalk." I muttered, analysing him for any weakness's.

He swung the sword at me again, leading me to leap backwards. I saw a momentary opportunity to take him down, but I would need another chance to take him down.

"Come on you big bastard." I taunted.

It worked a little too well, as the sword nearly hit me, causing the shockwaves to blast me off my feet and into the nearby wall.

"Ok, don't taunt the giant monster. Noted." I groaned, the muscles in my body crying out in resistance.

The monster loomed over me, a tower compared to me. Yet I had to defeat it, otherwise I couldn't stand a chance to save Remnant from Ganondorf and his forces. So with great effort, I pushed myself to my feet, already preparing how I was going to beat him. He swung his sword down again, but I learned this time. Activating my Champion Ability, I slowed down time around me as I dodged the sword. I jumped away, before quickly jumping towards his arm that was extended outwards. I swung my sword downwards, slicing into his wood-like flesh. It carved a gash into his arm, but didn't sever it like I hoped it would.

"Ok, so it'll take longer than I thought. Hope I can hold out that long." I observed.

He swung his sword again, I dodged, yet couldn't activate my Champion Ability. I took my training into account and expertly swung my sword downwards at the same spot, furthering the size of the gash in his arm, now being about 2/3 of his arm deep.

'One more should do.' I thought, preparing myself for another strike.

He swung again, but due to my sore body, I couldn't dodge enough. The sword struck my shoulder, cutting a massive gash in it, alongside breaking my left shoulder. The Hylian Shield fell off my arm, clattering to the floor. I collapsed to the floor, unable to stay standing from the pressure that the blow carried.

"Argh" I screamed.

The pain coursed through my body as I lay on the floor. The giant raised his foot, about to crush me. I braced myself for the inevitable pain, only for it to never arrive. I looked around. The once dark room was lit up as I looked around.

"Hello young hero." Came the pleasant voice I once knew. "How nice to see you again. I wish it was under better circumstances."

"Lady Hylia." I respectfully greeted. "What brings you here?"

"To personally greet you again. It's been ages since I've had a chance to talk to you." She politely explained, ever as kind as I remembered.

"What happened to the giant?" I questioned.

"The giant was the final part of the task. To see how you'd handle fighting an enemy in a losing situation." She explained, making a few things make more sense.

"So no matter what, I wasn't supposed to win?" I asked, wanting more clarification.

"Yes. The enemy was much larger and stronger than you, yet you had the courage to face it." She confirmed.

"But the injuries were real." I stated, not even questioning it at this point.

"Yes. And unfortunately, I cannot heal you." She claimed. "Given that I'm not actually here, healing you is beyond my power right now."

"Wait, you aren't here?" I was confused.

"No, as of right now, I fight to keep the seal on Ganondorf contained." She revealed, shocking me. "The seal, while made with the power of the Triforce, requires significant magical energy to keep sealed ever since it was tampered with."

"Wait, someone messed with the seal?" I practically yelled out, confused that it was possible.

"Yes. I'm not sure who, but it was messed with using ancient magic. I'd beware any souls that feel off." She advised.

"Sounds good Lady Hylia." I agreed.

"Well, I believe that you came here to retrieve your item?" She rhetorically asked.

"Oh, right!" I exclaimed, looking around for the chest.

She simply let out a giggle that would have been considered rude by anyone else, yet from her, it felt really nice to hear. Almost divine, which made sense. She snapped her fingers, causing the chest to materialise from midair. I stumbled backwards and nearly fell over. Lady Hylia let out another giggle as I regained my balance.

"I guess that's one way to get it here." I muttered moving to open the chest.

I bent down and opened up the chest. Sitting in the bottom of the chest was my bow. The Goddess Bow to be precise. It was a simple looking bow, but strongly built and was imbued with magical power. I picked up the bow and found the quiver rested underneath it. I strapped my bow onto my back, alongside the quiver down near my hips.

"After all this time, it still suits you." Lady Hylia's voice sounded more distant now.

Turning around, I saw exactly why that was. She appeared to be fading away into nothingness.

"Lady Hylia, you're fading away!" I yelled out.

"Not quite young one. Merely letting my apparition fade away." She calmly explained. "Go forth my hero. Set free this land once more."

"I give you my word Lady Hylia." I promised.

With my assurance, her form finished fading away. I felt sad, I wished to talk to her more. Yet my duty called, and would hopefully lead to me finally defeating Ganondorf.

"Well guess I'll need to extend my stay until I fully heal." I remarked to the now empty room.

I could already imagine the phone call to Oz explaining my need to stay longer. He wouldn't be too happy with me staying, but he'd understand once I explained why.


This chapter took a lot longer. I wanted to focus on the dungeon mostly, but I'm sort of on a time crunch to get this book finished so I decided to omit those details in favour of the main plot of the story. Hope you understand.

Thanks, Luke

The Hero of Remnant Volume 1: The Hero Returns (Male Link Reader x RWBY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon