"Oh yes."

"Do you need something? Have I disturbed you?"

"Oh no. No. I heard the music and I wanted to see who the musician was."

"Are you not pleased with what you heard?"

"No. Not at all. It's wonderful." She assured him. "Play for me? Please?"

"As you wish."

He proceeded with his talent and she immersed
herself in the song. Feeling it wrap itself around her like a gentle embrace.

"You play beautifully." She remarked.

"Thank you Charlotte." He replied in a tone that expressed gratitude. "However your loveliness far surpasses any music I have ever heard."

Charlotte blushed shyly at the compliment.

"Oh... Are you...Are you so certain?"

She had never thought much of her appearance. In fact she typically viewed herself as a very plain and somewhat homely looking thing. That's what Helsa had called her for years and when Charlotte looked at her own reflection she could not help but see exactly what her sister said.

"You shame even the most exquisite of diamonds and pearls. You are a rose personified. An angel of eternal sweetness and grace. Maidens of royalty are nothing when compared to you."

Oh his voice when he said such things. It was more divine than the music itself.  It was strange really, when Seviathan said she was beautiful it didn't make her feel like this. Although it was probably because when he did it he sounded as if he were describing a prize he wanted to claim. But with Alastor it was so different. She actually felt like he was describing her as a person.

"Thank you so much." She said.

She observed the way his claws caressed the keys of the harpsichord. How elegant, how gentle, how perfect. She raised her arm and moved it closer to him. Her delicate white hand then fluttered on to his own hairy red hand which caused him to be startled again. Startled that one so fair would actually touch him.

"Please teach me how to play this tune."

He hesitated for a moment but then he moved aside so she could sit next to him and with great care he took her hands into his own, guiding them over the right keys to use for the song. Charlotte could not tell but the whole time he did this he felt very nervous. She made him nervous.

"You're...You're a fast learner." He said as she mimicked the movement of his fingers.

"Am I really?" She asked him.

"Yes. You're doing splendidly my dear."

"Only because of your excellent teaching and you play this song better than anyone I have ever heard."

"You know it?"

"I have heard it a few times and I have been meaning to learn how to play it but I never came around to it. It's truly a beautiful song isn't it?"

"It has always been my favorite because it is the song my mother would sing and play for me whenever I was upset."

"Your mother?" She inquired. "This is the first time you've ever mentioned your family. What was your mother like?"

He suddenly became very silent. His mood changed and she saw a hint of grief flash into his eyes.

"I beg your pardon my dear but I should like to leave now." He said standing up.

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