Chapter 9: Becoming too much

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"Katakuri speaking."

"Yes hello this is Y/N from Sweet Beans. I am calling regarding the order you placed for 500 coffee cakes."

"Ah yes I will be by at 6pm sharp to pick them up."

"No sir, I am calling to say that it is impossible to fulfil that kind of order in 5 hours. That would take three days at least for my cafe to produce. I can promise you 25 at most. What you are asking for is impossible." It went quiet on the other end, so quiet that you thought he had hung up on you. "Hello?"

"How many ovens do you have?" Huh?

"I have 4. Two are solely dedicated to the coffee cakes, I can make 6 at a time."

"What do you mean you only have 4 ovens? Don't you have a separate bakery to make them?" Do I what?

"No I do not I am a small business owner, I make everything in-house. And I am in the middle of a re-opening. So sir, I am afraid I will have to cancel your current order however I will input a new order for 25."

"That's not going to be enough."

"It's going to have to do for now sir."


"Thank you goodbye." You hung up an got back to work.


"Hey Y/N, Pops is here he wants to see you." It was 5:30pm, it had cooled off for a while, the Salad bar was closed and the online orders for tomorrow morning were being made by Barto in the kitchen. Koby and Helm (a nickname you had given him), went home and Nami was waiting for her older sister to pick her up. The last of the cakes, for the order of 25 was in the ovens, you felt bad and had made an additional 25 for free.

"There you are Lassy! C'mere!" You smiled and walked into the old man's chest. Smelling his favorite sake and his cigars on his shirt.

"You had a business meeting."

"Amazing how you know that." He laughed his deep laugh when the door dinged again, revealing Mr. Katakuri himself. Seriously? They're not all done. Great. "What the hell are you doing here young man?"

"Pops! He's a customer be nice. The last cakes are in the oven they'll be done in 30 minutes."

"That's alright I came early to speak business with you." He looked at your shirt. "Those are new."

"Uh yeah.."

"Boy you better find a better place to look besides my daughter's chest."

"DAUGHTER??" The tall man looked at Pop's than you obviously shocked.

"Boss the cakes are done, I put them in the blast chiller so you can-he's already here-dabe."

"Pops sit please I'll get you a coffee, and sir please come over here and I'll be with you in a minute."

"I'll wait in the car. Since the payment went through just please bring them to the car."

"Will do..." He walked out and got right into his car, you looked at Pop's who had his pissed off face on. "Do you know him Pop's?"

"Yeah and his Mom we used to be business partners."

"The Rox group?"

"Yeah, get those cakes done sweetie I need to talk to you about him and his Mom."

"Uh okay..."

When you gave him his cakes he didn't even look at you or Barto, or seem to notice that you had given him, an extra 25 cakes for free. He nodded said a quick thank you and then left.

One PiecexReader AU!!Love and CoffeeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant