Rock Paper Scissors

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Let's play a game we call Rock Paper Scissors
Where rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock

Let's play a game called Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors, Shoot!

Suddenly the world turned silent.

In a world full of games, someone started to pull the trigger of a gun full of bullets enough to kill humanity
What happened to the players of the game?

Black, Brown, White
Everybody is dying each and every day
With people killing other people of different color
With people at high places killing those of the low
With people of privilege killing the screams of the marginalized
With people of
With people of
With people of ... I can't say it.

I prefer not to say it.
Silence is a choice.
Silence is my choice.
As I put the gun at the side of my temple, the beat of my heart echoes through my body through the flow in my veins
The screams of the people hunting me and deafening me til I can hear no more
The morbid carcass of the dead blinding my vision of the things we should do
The senses we make use of so much, numbed by the gunshots and the killings and the screams, and, and, and...

My world turns silent.

There is no time for this.

Silence is a choice.
Silence is not my choice.

I get rid of the gun at my temple
Aiming it at the people
Not all of the people
Only the people who killed all the screams, all the lives, our humanity, everything we live for and loved

I have the option to pull the trigger
But I won't

Justice will prevail
Not for now, but one day
The time will come where we stand together, hand in hand
Let's start now
Let's play this game we call Rock Paper Scissor
And not let the gun shoot at anyone

Let's play this game of Rock Paper Scissors
Where rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock
And no one shoots

Glimpse.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora