7 Heavenly Sins

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Before long ago the gods created angels to do their biddings. However after a while they got bored and created human beings and a world for them to live in. Little did they know that mother nature had other plans for their creations.

With each century the human being began to forget about their creators. This was something the God's couldn't take lightly. They wanted to be able to shape society and every human being into something much better, something more flawless and less unpredictable.

Over the years demons began to mix themselves with humanity and they began walking down the wrong path in the eyes of the Gods. In order to prevent such a catastrophic event,even though it was all a big misunderstanding, they sent the angels down to guid the humans once more in the form of heroes.

The 7 Heavenly sins are the power that God created in order for the heroes to fight the demons. Each hero was trained at the beginning from an angel since the sins were a power that no ordinary human could master from their own. It was such an incredible power that could easily keep up with the power of a demon. Sins were therefore created to give it to heroes so they will have the power to fight against the demons instead of the angels themselves.

Each sin had a holder. The first holder was trained by an angel. The second one was then trained by the first one and so a chain of holders was created. A sin can only be passed once and never taken back. At the same time it is given further to the next user, the old user stops to feel the power of the sin.

The 7 Heavenly sins are:








Each sin had a weapon especially created by God for each of them. It was a weapon that would only work in the hands of the sins holder it was created for. Only in the hand of a sin holder will the true power laying within their weapon awaken. However this is not an easy task.

The sin holder must be in perfect harmony with its sin in order to awaken the full potential of the sin and use the hidden power within.

They say god's don't favor anyone, they are neutral.




They say god is a being that is understanding.




However was this really the case?




Humans believed that the 7 heroes are loved by God but was that really the truth? Perhaps there was more to this than meets the eye.




Can humans trust what they hear?




What is wrong and what is right, who is the one to decide that?




Is god really one being or are there more?




Do they love all their creations equally or was there only one hero that god favored the most?

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