Chapter 2, at the airport

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It's summer and I'm at the airport with my current family to pick up my grandparents. I am of a fair age now, of which I am very pleased. It had taken a while to grow to this age. I had to pretend to learn how to walk, talk, read, write, and do arithmetic. It was very tiring to have to pretend to do these things when I already knew how, but I had to keep up the act, and I still do, or my cover as a reincarnation will be blown. I have a feeling I should keep it a secret. At school, I knew all the answers but pretended to struggle, and purposely failed a test or two, but I was still considered to be a "bright child." If only they knew. It is quite humorous.

My parents are okay. They work hard, my mother is a doctor and my father is a lawyer. I have an older sister too, Nadia. She was held back a year in school, she refuses to learn, and she just wants to party.

The children of this life! My goodness, they are so immature. Take my sister as an example. When they turn 14 or older(she's 15), they call their parents by their first names, beat others up, do drugs, drink alcohol, curse, and wear the strangest clothes, like ripped jeans(I had never seen this before)and tiny shirts that would fit a baby? My goodness, I had never seen anything like this. They stay stuck to their phones as if they were glued to their hands. The obsession! They will barely do anything else. How queer.

So here I am. We were waiting for my father's parents, the plane was arriving a bit late. My mother was speaking to my father and my sister was playing a game on her phone. As for me, I was sitting patiently. We were offered cookies by a woman. My love for cookies cannot be expressed.

I eagerly took one and bit into it. Too much sugar! I politely smiled, thanked the woman, and forced the bite down. My sister snatched the rest out of my hand and ate it. I gave her a light smack on the arm.

After half an hour, my grandparents arrived. They were not alone. Along with them were two strangers and a boy about my sister's age. "Who are they?" I asked my mother. "They're your aunt and uncle," she replied.

Then another boy came forward. I recognized him immediately. From his sky blue eyes to his golden blond hair. Flashbacks of him in my past lives flew into my mind. He was my husband in my previous life! Did he remember our past life? I doubted it. He strode forward confidently as if he recognized me. He came up to me, took my hand, and kissed it. He was no different. I never guessed I would see him again. I wanted to cry, to hug him, but I fought back my tears and smiled.

He got off his knee and took out a bouquet of roses."Give these to your mother for me, miss," he said. "What is your name?" "I am #####, and you?" I replied. "I am Luke Stallard!" He winked at me. The audacity of this man never changes. Obviously, I remembered his name, but I still had to ask him so I wouldn't seem suspicious.

Another boy pushed him out of the way and smacked him on the head. I immediately recognized him as Aron, my cousin. He'd always looked just like me, my spitting image! From head to toe! The only difference was that he was taller than I was. I gaped at him with my mouth open and so did he at me. At the same time, we took a step back from each other, and moved to the left, then to the right, then to the left again. We cocked our heads to the side. We were in sync! 

"Stop doing what I do!" We shouted at the same time. I was done with this. I broke into the splits, but so did he!

This went on for a while, everyone introduced themselves to each other. I decided I would call Luke "Blondie," as I did in my past life. He stuck his tongue out at me, so I flipped him off and mouthed, "You're still immature!" Then I walked up to him to interrogate him. 

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked him. He smiled sadly. "Well, I used to have a sister but she passed away because of pneumonia. Her name was Syrah." I immediately felt horrible for asking. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories. I'm also sorry for your loss." I said. "That's fine, it's in the past. Don't apologize. I know she's smiling down at me." 

Nadia whipped her phone out and announced, "Let's take some photos of this beautiful family gathering!" She took about 1,000 photos, no joke. Luke was laughing the whole time, Aron and I were frowning, and Aron's brother(Whose name was Aspen) was making farting noises from his armpit until he actually farted. His mother gave him the face your mom gave you when you begged for candy at Walmart when you were younger, and shook her fist at him. 

When we finally got home, I slept soundly and dreamt of my previous life. I had a son too, he was with Luke on the day of the end of the world, Luke took him to work. He was the manager of a charity organization. I always wonder, what became of my son? My precious children, how I miss them. How I yearn for them. I just want them back...

Luke was wide awake. "I can't believe it. I saw her again!" He whispered aloud to himself. He was beyond overjoyed. Tears of joy slipped silently down his cheeks. "Ahhh, I think my heart is going to explode," he thought. He went to the open window to get fresh air.

Did she remember our past life? He doubted it. "I should keep silent for now. I'll her from danger and will not be killed this time, I swear it," he whispered solemnly to the stairs.

"I always wonder, how did she die? What came of Luna? My lovely children, how I miss them. I want them back..."

And he then fell asleep with these thoughts in his head.

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