"wei wuxian !!!!!!!!!!!" i heard wanyin shout . (dont you dare ruin my moment of heaven here)

wei ying perked up (cute)

"come here you bratty brother" he shouted

wei ying looked at me . (stay with me wei ying ....... please )

he turned forward looking at the water "every one....... on your swords " he shouted

everyone followed . i just stared at him who is riding his sword (hope you ride on me someday)

he suddenly pulled me on his sword and fled higher avoiding the water abyss . he then pulled bichen from my side and gripped the hilt tighter (hope you will hold me that tighter........there)

and asked me to stay on his sword and took bichen from me and shouted at wanyin "a-cheng ...now!!!!"

wanyin nodded and lowered his sword as if to fall into the water and wei ying jumped from suibian holding my bichen directly in his hands falling into the water before wanyin could reach........ no- he stopped at the contact of water and took assassination swords?

he looked at us and shouted "once a-xian takes the monster out ... xianxian and i will take on the monster ........... for you guys ..... play soothing melody to cleanse the resentment okay!!!!!!"

i and brother nodded . i saw most disciples taking out the instruments and so i took

the water suddenly erupted revealing wei ying in the process. i saw wanyin and him fighting with the monster on par with each other almost with no flaws . we started our melody at a certain point and trapped the monster and led it to a waste land full of sand

i turned around to see wei ying riding on bichen . along with his brother . both drenched to the core . wei ying stood on the sword along with his brother while all the people along with us came down . (why standing up? come down and stand next to me wei ying...... please)

it was as if he heard me he came down and stood to my right as my brother was on my left . "bichen is indeed beautiful lan zhan...... it helped me in fighting ......... thank you " he sheathed my sword and gave it to me . "have it" . i said

he looked at me for a moment "fine then i will have it for now " he said  "lan-er-gege". i could feel my ears heating up . i looked at him ........ but who knows that he would kiss the hilt of my sword and speak with it "thank you bichen for coordinating with me in the battle" and held it in the place where he usually holds suibian while suibian is in bichen's place in my waist

"wangji concentrate" my brother said

i glared at him

i looked at the guqin and then noticed that i was playing slower than everyone . i felt a tentacle of the monster towards me at a fast pace . i worked on the monster at a very fast pace that no one have seen me playing until now . i was about to be hit by the tentacle but the tentacle stopped and fell down by a black sword glare .

it was wei ying . he  was staring at the tentacle . but my sword was pitch black giving murderous aura . my brother was shocked at the will power and swordsmanship of him . when he turned away his gaze from the tentacle the sword became its usual white color .

he jumped from the tentacle and came near me but did not look at me but my brother "sect leader lan , may i get a flute from you . a-cheng is strong enough to handle the tentacle attacks . i would love to help you in soothing the beast "

"yes young master wei" my brother took his jade flute which he never used it as he chose liebing over it . "thank you sect leader lan" he said and took it gently from my brother (hey brother, you know what ? after wei ying returns the flute , it is mine )

he stood in between us as we were separated with a two person worth gap in between as to evade from the falling tentacle. he took the flue and held it in his mouth and took a deep breath and started playing it . it helped to subdue the monster sooner . me and my brother were surprised as we both took a look at him but froze . the flute which was in white and blue turned into red and black releasing a murderous aura for which only insane cultivators would stand for

we completed sooner than expected and started moving for a inn as wei ying and wanyin would need to change from their wet clothes . they are currently speaking with each other while my brother and i are moving together while the disciples promised to come by 8 and ran away

"wangji i wonder ......."


"young master wei is highly powerful "

"mn...... he is always powerful"

"he was able to use bichen also"

i turned to him

"you know when i asked for your sword in our younger days ....... your sword was highly heavy to carry when unsheathed "

i stared at him

"if he is able to tame bichen ....... what about you ?" he smirked

my ears became red . i turned to the other side

"lan zhan lan zhan "

i turned to him . i could see his skin from the white dress he is wearing .(yummy)

he waved at me . "mn?"

"um.... sorry to ask this lan zhan...... but........"

(is he gonna propose me?)

"i dont have any spare clothes right now............. a-cheng has his yunmeng dress though......"

he mumbled the last part but i heard it 

"take my clothes " i said and took my quikanun pouch and took out my spare dress and gave him. he stared wide eyed but smiled "thank you lan zhan"and took it and turned to my brother and took out the flute which was once black and red and gave it to him "thank you zewu-zun"

he got it and smiled "freshen up before you get sick young master wei ....... wangji wouldnt like to see you sick " i glared at him

"mmn okay ..... now excuse me " he bowed and ran

"here" my brother gave the flute to me

"thank you brother " i said eyes soften at the sight of it

"so when are you going to propose ?"

"i dont know "

"propose before it is too late "


we walked around the town stalls

my eyes fell on a red-black jade with two rabbits on it

i turned around leaving my brother to follow me and bought it

"wangji ........ what makes you think my soon to be brother-in-law like rabbits ?"

"my heart tells it "

"what ever ........ come lets go to the inn ....... wanyin and my future brother-in-law must be ready by now"

my heart raced at his' future brother in law '

i nodded and went to the inn

1784 words

THE LOVE BETWEEN US // WANGXIAN (on-hold for now)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora