Chapter 5

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Check or pork liver ...... what a big difference. The easy choice makes Lisa wants to cry. Pork liver, she never wants to eat pork liver again. If she has to she can easily write an essay called "18 Days of Eating Pork Liver."

Lisa says: "Delivering lunch every day is too much trouble, you don't have to do it anymore, haha."

Jisoo nods: "All right, you work in an office so it doesn't look good if you receive special treatment."

Lisa had not thought of this but she agrees, feeling greatly relieved. After chatting for a bit, the baby starts crying as the banquet also begins. Lisa takes the opportunity to say goodbye, allowing a service staff to lead her to the dining area.

Lisa thought it would be like on TV, people walking to and fro holding a glass of champagne but it seems this is a Chinese banquet.

Before coming here, Lisa had gone into debt to attend this feast. Thus, now she must eat enough not just for today but for N days in the future. With this goal, Lisa develops two plans.

Plan A: If the banquet is Western, she will hold a plate and sneakily walk everywhere.

Plan B: If the banquet is Chinese, she will choose the most secluded corner to sit.

Lisa looks in all four directions, selecting the most secluded corner to sit down, praying not many people will choose her table, waiting happily for the banquet to begin.


Sure enough, the table is very secluded. Many people walk by but do not sit down. Lisa is filled with joy, ah, less people means more food for her. Soon, joy turns to grief.

Because the table does not have anyone else and other tables are filled with people, she is the only person sitting by herself

= =

Lisa is in trouble .....


Lisa may be thick-skinned but not enough to sit by herself. She stands up to look for another table but where to find an empty chair. She does not know anyone so hastily inserting herself anywhere would be odd.

Everyone is sitting but Lisa is standing and embarrassingly wishes a hole would open up to swallow her. Suddenly she feels an intense gaze. She turns in that direction to see Big Boss frowning and staring at her.

Instant death! Tragedy! Big Boss must feel she is making the company look bad. Lisa looks back in misery – Boss, I did not mean to, you must understand.

Staring at each other for a moment, Jungkook moves his gaze and summons a waiter to whisper something.

Lisa sees the waiter looking at her and knows for certain they are talking about her. Her heart starts to beat wildly. Surely she would not be asked to leave. Even so, that would not be too bad because she can still go to eat beef noodles.

She is starving!

The waiter smiles and walks to her, stopping in front of her and makes an inviting gesture: "Miss Manoban, Mr. Jeon invites you to his table."

Huh? She is not asked to leave? She is asked to go to his table? But his table ...... is in the middle in the front ...... with the legendary President there ......

Lisa is embarrassed once again.


Lisa is not courageous to refuse Big Boss's invitation in front of so many people. No, not an invitation but rather a command so she fearlessly follows the waiter. A chair is added next to Jungkook.

Jungkook is in a discussion with a well-dressed old man about land or real estate developments, not paying any attention to her. Lisa dutifully stands and waits for the conversation to finish before saying carefully: "President, would it not look bad if I sit here?"

Jungkook's tone is lazy: "What's wrong?"

"This table is full of important people. I, uh ...... at this time, I'm not an important person yet = ="

Jungkook lightly leans back and stares at her. "You don't want to sit here? Then why look at me like that with your eyes?"

"My eyes?" Lisa is stunned.

"Your eyes said to me ......" Jungkook slowly explains, "I've been abandoned, please save me."

"......" Big Boss, you are mistaken. My eyes were obviously pleading with you not to deduct my salary. – –

But Jungkook looks certain. Lisa begins to doubt if she had sent the wrong signal ...... though she does not think so. Maybe her eyes betrayed what she was feeling. Is there not a song called "My Eyes Betray My Heart?" = =

It has to be said though, Big Boss, your ability to decipher eye messages is very impressive. – –


Hoping to eat a lot is out of the question when you are sitting next to Jungkook. Making sure the chopsticks are not held shakily is hard enough. Lisa had intended to eat "gently but ferociously" but now "ferociously" can only be put in a doggie bag to be brought home. Lisa tries to remember how to eat politely when she used to pretend to be an elegant young lady.

But after four years of fighting with college roommates over food, polite eating feels like something she did in a previous lifetime.

All right, using chopsticks to pick up vegetables – smile.

Looking at people in the line of vision – smile.

The waiter brings a dish of pork feet, all right, smile with the pork feet.

Hey, it is not pork feet. It does not matter, with any animal's feet, just smile.

...... The face is becoming stiff = =


Finally, more than half of the guests begin to leave. Lisa immediately says goodbye to Jungkook.

Jungkook says: "Leave later, see the guests off with me."

"......" Lisa reminds him shakily: "President, I'm also a guest." I also brought a gift ......

"You want to leave early?" Jungkook narrows his eyes. A familiar oppressive feeling descends on Lisa. "The boss hasn't leave yet, how can the employee go first?"

"Of course not!" Lisa immediately replies in a serious tone, "I'll stay to see the guests off ...... see the guests off."

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