23. Why

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T o r i

"You can't go anywhere without me." Harry shouts, grabbing ahold of my arm and twisting me to face him.

"Why not?" I say harshly almost spitting the words out. He probably noticed how pissed i actually was, and lets go of his grip on me. His hands reach in his pocket and he pulls out keys.

"I have the car keys." He smirks rattling them. I roll my eyes, and try taking them from his hands. He lifts up the keys, not allowing me to grab them.

"Harry." I clench my teeth and stare him down. He notices that I wasn't in the mood to be goofing around.

"Let me drive you." He offers walking to the car. I'm about to object, but decide not to. I run to the passenger seat and jump into the car. Harry follows my actions, and starts the car.

"You'll have to tell me how to get there." Harry mumbles pulling out of the driveway. I slightly nod, and stare out the window. My eyes catch everything that passes by us. 

Thousands of thoughts run through my mind making my head hurt. The one thought, constantly popping up over and over again is 'Why.'

What have I done to make Selena mad? It makes no sense to me. What also doesn't make any sense is why she'd team up with Megan to make me feel horrible. 

Every time something was bothering her, Ashleigh and I would go over to her house and cheer her up. Selena was heart-broken about Nick, and who was there to help her? Me.

"Which way?" Harry asks slowing down the car as we reach the intersection. I glare around briefly, remembering the area.

"Right." I flatly say, returning to my gaze out the window.

"Look Tori, you don't have to be angry at me. I haven't done anything to you." Harry sighs running his fingers through his soft, curly hair.

"I'm not mad." I lie crossing my legs. He hits the steering wheel with his palm, causing me to jump.

"Do you think I'm not pissed about this either? It's not just all about you. This just all happened for no reason, and it almost made me loose you. Now your acting like this to me, when I haven't even done anything to you. So if you think that your the only one here that's upset about this, think again." Harry spits out quickly, glaring at the road ahead of him. He's tightening his grip on the steering wheel causing his knuckles to turn white.

My breathe catches in my throat, and I subside into my seat speechless. I lick my lips and frown at my hands, examining them. The car becomes dead silence except the noise of our breathing.

"I'm sorry." I swallow dryly, picking at my nails. His large hand touches mine, and I look up at him.

"I didn't want to seem mean. I'm just upset about this too." Harry speaks glancing at me from the corner of his eye. I nod my head and play with his fingers.

"Keep driving straight." I mutter drawing circles on the tips of his fingers. He follows my directions, and turns on the radio having something ease the silence.

I watch around us, and know exactly where we are. We pass a small park with multiple swing sets, and slides. Little kids are running around and chasing each other. I remember going to that park when I was younger. It was like my little hideout to get away from everything, and just focus on my thoughts. I haven't been there in so long. I didn't even know it was still here.

We pass by houses tightly packed next to each other, with John Mayer singing in the background. I hum along to the song, and entwine my fingers together with Harry's. He softly sings along as I hum. Harry's voice really is amazing, not too deep, not too high.. just perfect.

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