when the morning comes

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-a short update to break the motivation stump-

They didn't want to come home without kyptonian in their grasp, but Ma had called them with furious demands that they come home and take a nap. They had pleaded that they were heroes, and that missing persons take priority over anything else, but she would have personally dragged them home if she had to.

"you all need some rest, I couldn't let you all run around the county all day and night! I have soup on the stove. I need you all to eat, and go take have asleep upstairs."

"But superboy is still out there, he couldn't have gotten farther than the state lines in while he's like that!"

"Plus he's not a legal citizen, so he can't go long without outing himself." Dick argued.

"Well, he's-- he's not a legal citizen?" Ma ordered.

"No. Neither are me and Kaldur!" M'gann explained. "Technically we're illegal aliens. Well, me and Conner are Illegal ALIENS, Kal's more like an illegal Atlantean..."

"Well never mind that, I won't tell. But you all need your rest, Clark already agreed he'd help search this morning, so the rest of you need to eat and sleep. I won't put other children in danger to help another. Clark will find him."

"Wait, who's Clark again?" Artemis asked, trying to pop in some eye drops. "That's your son, right? No offence but I doubt he can--"

"Clark is Superman." Dick said.

"Ohhh. Well, he still doubts he can find him, he hates Conner."

"He doesn't hate him! He--" Martha took a deep breath. "He's frightened of him. Conner makes him uncomfortable."

"Well, we're scared of him too!" Wally almost shouted. "He makes us uncomfortable too, but we still love him because he's our friend!" He kicked a chair leg and promptly apologized, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think Superboy would let Superman bring him here."

"And why not?"

"There's some history I haven't spilt yet." Dick admitted.


He was lost. 

He'd never been this lost before.

Once he got lost when Wally took him to the mall. He'd been told to wait for a minute while Wally checked out a store he wasn't allowed to go in. After a long time, He thought Wally wasn't coming back for him. It was terrible. He'd almost cried, though he'd never told them; It was his biggest secret. 

But right now there wasn't a kind shop lady to help him find his friend. 

He didn't know if he wanted his friends right now. They'd take him back there and make him feel heavy inside for breaking a plate and for running away. Batman and the others said he wasn't allowed to run away. Cadmus said that too. 

Superman didn't run away.

Anyone who'd raised the best man alive wouldn't be happy that he'd run away.

That made him feel heavy inside, It was how he felt after he acted mean to Black Canary, and she was nice to him. He felt like how a bad guy must feel when doing bad things. He didn't want to be a bad guy, he wanted to be a good guy. But he already felt like a bad guy and now he was lost, so he couldn't even tell Kaldur about it. He told Kaldur everything. Except for how he almost cried in the mall. That's why it was a secret. Robin says he should have at least one.

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