Dogs, Gossip and Names

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-above^ what YJ would look like as a sitcom-

-Happy Easter y'all! Here's a little cute content for you folks.-

"WOLF!" Conner dropped to the ground, drumming his palms on the ground and making it shake. Wolf lurched forwards too, wagging, very excited to play. "Good boy!"

Wolf barked deafeningly, tackling his owner onto the grass and attempting to drown him in slobber.

"He barely sat down the entire trip over." M'gan said, tugging at Wolf's leash in vain. "I think he missed you."

"I missed you too!" Conner barely managed to push the tickly muzzle off his face. "Has Red Tornado been feeding you? I bet he didn't give you enough treats?" The beast's ears pricked up at the word 'treats'

"Are you feeling better?" Kaldur asked, amused, as the canine soaked his master in saliva and eagerly nosed Conner's pockets, searching him for biscuits.

He nodded a little, giving Wolf his full attention. He leaned forwards, chest almost on the ground, and darted back and forth a little, playing with wolf. The two did some light play fighting and wrestling on the dusty grass (Which would injure a regular boy or dog, especially when Wolf got excited and mauled on Conner's arm).

The porch door opened, and Conner looked up from the grass. Ma Kent stared in horror and confusion. "Oh Sweet Jesus, what is that?!"

"This is Wolf;" Conner said. "He's my Wolf!" 

The woman caught her breath, relieved that her grandson wasn't hurt. The beast was huge and vicious looking. "I thought you were hurt."

"He's just playing." Conner said blankly, not knowing how anyone could be scared of Wolf. The Dog  barked and galavanted towards the door to the house, jerking the leash from M'gann's hand. Conner jumped up. "Wolf! Down boy!"

"Oh my goodness!" The woman staggered back, but remarkably got over her shock. She came to terms with the situation as Wolf returned loyally to Conner. "Is this the dog Megan told me about?"

Conner turned questioningly to the martian, who nodded. "Yes, he's the one." She confirmed.

"Dear, he is beautiful!" Ma Kent confirmed, letting Kaldur stop holding his breath; it was the main thing he'd been worried about.

"I know." Conner's heart fluttered a little. A lot of people were scared of Wolf; he was banned from most dog parks in Happy Harbour (even though Wolf has a leash and there were no size requirement).

"He is so much taller than I realized."

"I know." Conner really wasn't sure what else he should say. "Wolf." He whistled and the dog trotted back over. 

Wolf had become a pretty decent support dog recently, he was just as protective of the team as his kryptonian and they both had extremely enhanced senses. Not to mention that Conner didn't have to worry about breaking Wolf and vis versa.

"WOLF!" Dick exclaimed, bouncing out of the house. "Here boy!" He ran, bare foot, across the grass, throwing himself at the dog. Wolf had gotten used to it by now and didn't mind that the thirteen-year-old on his back. "GOOD BOY! Guys! You didn't say you were bringing Wolf back!"

"It was a... last minute decision." Kaldur replied. 

Dick hugged the beast around his neck. "Beautiful boy!"

"Oh, Goodness, he is so big." Ma Kent approached,  staring to realize that this was no Krypto; it had a thirteen-year-old Boy on its back with no issue.

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