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-I just wanna be a cryptid-

Martha just took her grandson took for a nap. He had a nasty temper for a sixteen year old, then again, they did say that he was nine-months-old. This is the sort of fit she could see a nine-month-old throwing.

"This is Clark's old bedroom." She walked him to the bed. "I'll be right downstairs if you need anything, okay?" He sat there on the edge of the bed. "Okay?"


She fixed the boy's hair a little, smiling down at her grandson, and left him alone to rest.
Grandson. Not the way she expected to have her grandbabies, but she wouldn't turn it down. 


Conner came downstairs after a few hours. He hadn't expected to sleep, but he did a little. Mostly he just stared at the ceiling and let himself cool off.

"Are you feeling better, baby?" Ma Kent straightened his shield t-shirt. "I think you needed a rest."

"Yeah..." He murmured.

"I'm working on tonight's dinner." She told them. "and I'm making some cake for after dinner."

"Okay." Conner sat at the table and checked his phone.

The older woman made a show of tasting her handiwork, savoring it. "Taste test?" 

"Hmm?" He looked up. She was holding out a forkful of cake. "What?" He asked.

"Open." She told him. He stared back blankly. "Open your mouth, darling." He did. Conner started as the fork was shoved into his mouth. He tried to ask what the hell she was doing. "Ah- finish chewing fist."

He swallowed hard. "Why-"

"How did it taste? Do you think we should ice it?"

"It's...good." He asked. "Why did you do that?"

"Well you can't make good food unless you taste test."

Conner watched her turn away, humming. Country people were really confusing.


Kaldur was very tired, it was tough to stop his teammates from goofing off, or getting angry, or just disapearing! M'gann kept getting distracted by things around the quaint town and leaving the group to admire and take photos.

By the time he'd towed them back to home base, like the exhausted mom he is, the boys and Artemis were painted in dirt and grass stains. The country air and lack of school had turned them all into golden retriever puppies. M'gann floated after them, daydreaming. 

When they returned, Conner had woken up and was helping set the table for dinner.

"Did you have a good nap, Sleeping Beauty?" Wally teased, shedding his filthy t-shirt.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with needing to take a break." Ma Kent defended, offering to take their dirty laundry.

"Thank you." Wally jogged upstairs to take a shower.

"HEY! I called dibs!" Artemis called. "Kal! Wally's stealing the shower."

"WHAT?" Dick kicked off his dirty shoes and ran after them. "WALLY!"

"Use the Hose!" Wally shouted.

Kaldur sighed and collapsed into a chair. 

"Are they giving you trouble?"

Young Justice and Their GrandmotherWhere stories live. Discover now