Clark's Clone

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-Gonna run into the forest and become a local cryptid that screeches on windy nights-

She went to voicemail again. Martha grimiced, dialing herson'd phone number. Clark, Metropolis is only one hour behind Smallville, you're up at seven on workdays

Eventually he picked up. "Ma? I'm just heading out for work."

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"...Good morning, how are you doing?" The man asked. 

She couldn't help but smile. "I'm well. But I need to ask you some questions about the hero children I'm hosting."

Clark sighed a little, he clearly knew this was coming. "What can I help you with?"

"Clark, one of these boys, Superboy, looks exactly like you. He introduced himself as Conner Kent."

Her son paused over the phone. "Ma-"

"Clark, why didn't I know about this?"

"Listen, it's not what you think, can we talk later? I'm on my way to work."

"If you have time to give excuses, you have time to tell me the truth." Martha told her son impatiently.

"Ma, he's not your grandson, he's not my kid." Clark explained. "There was an incident, someone tried to clone a duplicate of me... this Superboy doesn't know who I am, I don't know how he picked the name Kent, but..."

"So you didn't think to tell me I have a sixteen-year-old grandson?"

"He's not sixteen, he's only been alive about half a year or so. Me and him don't... get along, he's been staying at the mountain..."

"You should have told be, do you know how scared I was when I first saw him, I thought I was seeing things!" Martha scolded

"I'm sorry, Ma, can we discuss this after work?"

She sighed. "Alright, I think they'll be awake soon. Promise to call me as soon as you're out."

They exchanged goodbyes, and hung up. Martha went inside to make breakfast.


"Food?" Artemis stretched, entering the kitchen. Usually she asked Barbara for a granola bar in first period, of ate dry cereal at one pm.

Kaldur and Dick were already up, at the table, as Ma Kent bustled over the stove. "You like Pancakes don't you dear?"

"YEAH!" She couldn't stop herself,  no one ever made her breakfast. it was a real treat. 

"Artemis can you go wake everyone up?" Kaldur asked.

She nodded and returned to the Livingroom, where they'd embarrassingly found themselves sleeping that morning. M'gann was floating about a foot off the ground, swaddled in a blanket, and Wally was half-off his chair, having kicked his blanket off during the night.

"Hey Gingers!" Artemis shouted, she shoved Wally off his chair, and gently pushed M'gann through the air.

"What?" Wally, who wasn't a morning person, grumbled.


Instantly the speedster was wide awake. 

"Wait where's Conner?" He asked. 

Artemis shrugged "I don't know, you search the downstairs closets, I'll search the upstairs closets."


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