"I won't forget about the betrayal. I. won't," I said the words one by one to make sure he is clear. "My heart crushes so bad and you can't fix it anymore. I don't want another cheater in my life. You can go and have fun with Hera and I won't bother you guys anymore. I am tired and we both are not that young to fight like teenagers," I feel the tears in my eyes ready to come out, "I will get the kids ready," With that, I walk out from the room and walk to Helena's room. The tears coming down as usual. I wipe it off. This heart is not a toy that men can play with and throw it away whenever they want. If Jared wants to be with that fucking Hera, go on. I am backing off. 

For today, I will go out with him with the children since I am going to bring them out anyways. Helena and Austin are going to be so happy today because I and Jared are here for them. Gabriel and Gabriella are having a sleepover at their friend's house and I am actually quite thankful they are not here since Jared is here. I know Gab will be furious once he sees Jared. Well, I can't stop him from being mad at Jared. I am madly mad at him too. 


Two days later

The weekend feels so short and now, we're back to Monday again. It means working days and stressful days coming ahead. I can say Jared understands me not wanting him anymore. Even though we spend last weekend together, he prolly makes Austin and Helena didn't sense anything going on between us. That's good. Means, divorce with him will make it easier as I thought. I walk straight to my room to see Hera is smiling while looking at her phone. Probably texting with Jared. "Oh, Good morning, Alexa," She said and I stop in front of her. She looks cheerful today. It's weird to see someone happy on Monday. I wonder what is going on with her today. 

"It's Mrs. Lanton, Miss Herman. We're in the office, not on the streets," I said to her and she nods her head but still, the smile didn't leave her face. She's happy because I am having a divorce from my husband. Right she's happy because finally, she can have him all for herself. That's what she has been waiting this whole time. "Oh, one more thing, call my husband to come and see me here at 11," Her smile slowly fading away but she tries not to make it obvious. I let her be and go to my room. She must be wondering why I want to see Jared here, in this office and not any other places. I want to see if you can resist the jealousy. 

I am not going to fire her today and I am not going to give Jared the divorce paper today either. I have a plan in my mind and I think I might be having fun doing it. Last night, this brilliant plan come up to my mind and I think it is a good idea. Since Hera makes my relationship with Jared broken, why not I make hers and Jared broken too. That would be fun. Since that stupid Jared said he always has the same feelings for me, that's not going to be that hard. I just want t see how strong their so-called relationship is when I do this. It's not going to take that long. I only need one week and I'm done with them. 

Of course, I texted Thea and I got the approval from her. Since Thea agrees to this, let's just have fun. shall we?

It's been a while since I have had fun. 

One week starting today and it will be ended by the end of this week. So, this is day 1. 

I get up from my chair and walk to Hera's. "Yes ma'am?"

"Do you call my husband yet? He needs to be told early so that he didn't forget," I said to her and smiling sweetly. 

"I called him already and he will come at 11 just like you asked,"

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