Sloth's Demise

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Minerva: You know...Satella would have been eager to try and set Geuse back on the right track.

Echidna: Such a task is impossible now, Guese is too far gone to ever come to his senses. At this point we should just put him out of his misery.

Minerva: That's-

Minerva tried to voice her protest in killing the madman, but Echidna shushed her.

Echidna: I'm not happy about this either, but we would only be making things worst if we tried to bring him back.

Minerva looked down, clearly filled with sadness at the situation.

Minerva:...On another note, don't you think Mamoru is being a little...Too extreme with his enemies?

Echidna: *sigh* Don't bother, he considers anything fine as long as it's for Natsuki Subaru. Honestly, how Mamoru is right now is probably the least "extreme"

Minerva:...I guess...But it would sure be nice if he wouldn't behave like a murderer!

Echidna: Darling. He clearly is one.

Minerva was about to respond, but couldn't find the words to defend Mamoru, he has been involved with some...Afwul situations to put it lightly.

Minerva:...Where did you send Geuse anyway?

Echidna: I simply transported him into the Shadow Garden.

Minerva: You what?! Wouldn't that anger Envy?!

Echidna: Oh, no. I'm sure that she'll be delighted to deal with someone who hurt her "beloved" herself.

Minerva:...Wouldn't it have been better to let Satella handle this?!

Echidna: I'm doing her a favor, she doesn't have to see her friend like this.

Minerva:...You're...Surprisingly considerate...


Minerva: Should we tell the others about this?

Echidna: What's the point in that? It would simply sour the mood. There's no benefit in that.

*Meanwhile in the Shadow Garden*

Everything was covered in darkness and shadows.

He didn't know where he was, but that didn't matter as he only desired one thing right now.

To kill the fake Witch.

Petelgeuse would have screamed out in rage at his own slothfulness for not managing to kill that fake, but he was presented with the greatest sight he has ever seen.

The Witch of Envy.

She was truly beatiful unlike that fake, she was the greatest example of perfection.

His diligence has finally payed off.

He cried tears of joy as two black hands came from the Witch of Envy.

He tried to grab them with his own hands but...They went through his, as if he didn't even exist.

He looked at the Witch of Envy in confusion as she said something to him.

Envy: You're not the Guardian.

The two black hands backed away a little and slapped his body away, like he was nothing but trash to the Witch.

*In the real world*

Julius and Subaru were standing over the unconcious body of Mamoru, next to him were Crusch and Rem, their bodies also unconcious.

Julius brought them over earlier after Mamoru collapsed onto the ground.

But as Subaru stared at the three unconcious people on the ground there was only one question on his mind.

Were Rem's memories eaten?

He didn't have too much hope as he looked at the unconcious body of Rem, but he asked Julius anyway.

Subaru: Hey, Julius?

Julius was slightly surprised at the serious tone of Subaru.

Julius: Yes, Subaru?

Subaru: Do you remember the maid with blue hair?

Julius thought about it for a second before shaking his head.

Julius: I don't ever recall hearing the name of this maid before.

That was the snapping point for Subaru, Rem's memories were eaten, so it was all over, this loop was done.

He was about to grab a knife which he had in his pocket and stab himself in the neck, it didn't matter that Julius was here, he would do anything to Rem....

But then he heard Julius's voice again.

Julius: But I do remember seeing her after the battle against the White Whale finished, she was supposed to go back with the rest of the army, no?

If Subaru had any time to even think about his words, he would have cried, cried tears of joy at finally having saved Rem.

But he didn't have time for that as he suddenly felt a very familiar feeling.

The feeling of Petelgeuse trying to take over his body.

The moment he got the feeling he yelled out the words....

Subaru: I can Return by De-

And once again Petelgeuse meets the Witch of Envy for a second time and once again she doesn't care about his "love" as she simply throws him out again.

Now the Archbishop has nowhere to go, there is no body to posses.

So what now? It's simple, the Sin Archbishop of Sloth....Has died.

A simple, anti-climactic death.

Subaru looked down as Petelgeuse left him. He saw Mamoru looking at him with a Melancholic smile as he slowly got up.

He was about to say something but then a question arose from Julius who up to this point has just been watching.

Julius: Not to sound disrespectful, but may I ask what those Black hands were, Natsuki Mamoru?

There it was, with the reveal that Rem's memories were intact and Petelgeuse trying to posses him, Subaru had completely forgotten about the fact that Julius could see the Unseen Hands from his eyes.

How will Natsuki Mamoru respond?

About 2000 words.

The Witch's Child (Re:zero)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora