John:"see ... a broken child. A little girl tired of being treated ..... like an object ... and then thrown away ... in the trash. Aren't you tired of continuing to play a part you never actually owned? Or at least, if you've always had that part. I hate to admit it, but part of me wanted you out of the life of me, my daughter, my wife and the entire Homo Magi people. It doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time before you really understand that you can stop being the 'bad girl' you think you are, you don't scare anyone my darling. You don't even scare your little sister and she's younger than you. Indeed, you ... you are afraid ... you are afraid that if you are not in the group of 'winners', you will be alone, but-" he was then interrupted by Cinder.

Cinder:"What are you trying to say, old man?!?!? Do not make fun of me!!!! I am much stronger than you think !!!! I'm in full force and even now I could beat you !!!"

John:"My compliments for making it this far without realizing that that job you were doing ... was definitely not for you. But please. You can't threaten me like you think you can with others."

Cinder:"Do you think you are so smart, John Zatara?" she asked arrogantly at John.

John:"Salem would have sent one of his allies to recover and use you as a laboratory guinea pig. I just did you a favor, that's all. Salem is not there at the moment. Having said that, I'm sure we'll be able to come up with some sort of method to get your crest down, don't you think?"

Cinder:"For the most part I will watch you as you rush towards an inglorious end !!!! After that, between fire and flames, I will make my way to your daughter. And I'll stay there waiting, ready to tear her to shreds. That pompous little girl full of magic ..... and take everything that is rightfully mine." she said with an evil grin on her face before John then start bursting into laughter.

John:"Heh...HeheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh, of course my darling, of course you will do that !! Because that's what you always do, am I wrong? Remind me for a moment how the other times went? You broke into Fria's room, convinced you could face General Ironwood's best soldier and little Penny ... and you didn't make it because when Y / n arrived, you fled her. And so the best soldier became the Winter Maiden and you lost her Relic, the Eliacube. Oh, and how can we forget your brilliant deal with Raven Branwen? Gather all your enemies in one place for a chance to take revenge. If only someone had warned you about how incredibly stupid that idea was ..... Hey, wait !!! Those kids you cared so much told you so !!!! But no, you wanted to do your own thing and you got screwed, and killed when it would have been enough for me to cheer in the back and leave the other higher forces like Salem ..... do it alone. You are convinced that everything is due to you only because you have suffered, but suffering is not enough. You can't just be strong, you also have to be smart !!! It is not enough to deserve them, things, you have to prove that you are worthy !!! But you've never been worthy, you've only ever been a fool with a god complex !!!!" he yelled at Cinder.

John then pushes Cinder away as his eyes widen once he saw his daughter tearing up.....

Cinder then noticed she was tearing up, before wipping away her tears and turn the other way, not even looking at her father.

John then looked down before he sighed.








Back with Jaune, Oscar, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora they were now out of the Grimm World as the golden and fiery aura that was around Jaune then disappeared as he regain control over his body.

Hellblazer and Primak (Rewrited)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum