Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

     I open my eyes to the light peeking through the curtains, casting shadows to form. I happily spring from my bed and press the button to call for my maids. When they arrive, I am spinning in circles around the room. "Good morning ladies," I chime whilst still spinning.
"Miss, is everything alright?" Patricia asks.
"Of course. Everything's fine," I insist, finally stopping to look at them. They all look worried for some reason. "Why do you all look mortified?" I ask them.
"Because you're not acting like yourself. Did you have something to drink at the brunch?" Celine asks.
"Of course not! I mean, I may've had one or two glasses of champagne, but I wasn't drunk."
"Then why are you acting like this?" Patricia asks me.
"I don't know. It's just...the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and everything feels perfect," I say with a sigh. Immediately, they all clap their hands together and start gushing.
"What happened with the Prince?!?!" Celine exclaims.
"Well, we went on our very first official date, but what does that have to do with me acting like this?" They all run up to me and give me a hug.
"It means you like him!" Patricia squeals. I almost fall over at how obvious I'm being, and realize that I was acting kind of insane.
"Okay listen, you need to get ready for breakfast!" Eliza says. They all run to my closet, going through their ultimate dress-picking process. I sit down on the edge of my bed and play with my nightgown.
"Hey!" I call to them.
"Yes!" they all answer from inside the closet.
"If I like him, do you think he likes me?" I ask nervously. They come out of the closet with a dress concealed in a black bag and nod their heads.
"Miss, we've seen the way he looks at you during meals and events. We're pretty sure you're feelings aren't one-sided," Eliza says cheerily.
"Okay," I say nodding my head. "Then let's do this."
     The dress they put me in is a deep red color. It has a cutout in the back and the skirt flows in different directions, swaying from side to side. The bodess is pinched together at the top, causing a sweetheart neckline to form. They pull my hair into a fishtail braid and leave a few front pieces out to frame my face. I slip on a pair of cream-colored heels while they're doing my makeup, and they smile at their finished product. "All ready to go," Patricia says.
"Thank you," I say to them.
"No problem," they say.
"No, I mean it. I seriously could not survive here if it wasn't for all of you." They all smile and lead me to the hallway. At breakfast, I see two more chairs missing. I go to sit down by Ambrosia and Tambry. Ambrosia still has bandages on her cheek but her lip has mostly healed. "Hey, why are two chairs missing?" I ask Tambry.
"This morning, Prince Ahren kicked out two more girls. Now there's only twenty-seven," she says.
"Who'd he kick out?" I ask her. Please say Kadessa. Please say Kadessa.
"Melanie De'lagato and Brynn Lewis," she says.
"Oh." Great. We're still stuck with her.
"Were you hoping he kicked out Kadessa?" she asks me.
"A little bit," I say. She starts laughing and we immediately stop once Kadessa walks into the room. Her eyes stop on me and she races over to us.
"I told you to stay out of my way!" she shouts in a whisper.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Oh, don't play dumb. You went on a date with the Prince last night. He likes you the best!" Tambry leans in and looks at me.
"Is it true? You went on a date with him?" she asks.
"Yes, okay. I went on a date with him. So what?"
"He's hung out with only you this entire competition. He hasn't even looked at the rest of us!" Kadessa shouts.
"And that's my fault?" I ask. She sighs and storms off to the farthest seat possible.
"As much as I hate to say it, she was kind of right. Prince Ahren hasn't done anything with anyone but you," Tambry says.
"Tambry, I can't do anything about it. It's a competition. What do you want me to do: tell him to see someone else?" I ask. She rubs her eyes and shakes her head.
"I'm sorry. It's just, my family is really poor. And with the Selection, they can get the money. So, I need to stay here as long as possible. For them," she says. I look at her sad face and realize something: She's only here for the money.
     "Do you even like him?" I ask her. She shoots her head up and, for a moment, she glares at me.
"Of course I do. I mean, a little. But I'm here mostly for the monthly payments."
"I'm sorry, Tambry. But, even if you don't win, I'm sure you'll find someone," I say.
"I hope so. Just, don't say anything. I think I like him, but my parents need the money."
"Tambry, I won't. I swear."
"Okay. Thanks," she answers with a nervous smile.

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