Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It took the officials about a day to get to my house. Apparently, even if you don't announce whether or not you got into the Selection, people find out. When I heard the ring of the doorbell, I was honestly scared to open the door. Just from my window, I could see dozens of people crowded around my house. Some people even had posters with my name on it. But, I had to let the officials in at some point.

There were four officials and ten guards behind the door. One was hair, one was makeup, one was dresses, and one was there to go over the rules. I quickly rushed them into the house, slamming the door behind me. I didn't realize how hectic this would be.

All of the officials had on name tags--there was Patricia, Celine, Eliza, and Jeffrey. The woman named Celine took me in for a big hug. She saw how shocked I was by her gesture and started laughing.

"I'm sorry, dear! I'm just so excited!" she said in a piercing scream. I nodded my head and slapped a nervous smile on my face. The woman next to her, Patricia, hit her arm.

"Celine, Lady Mallory does not want to listen to your screaming!" she shouts at her. Celine quietly pinches her lips together and stops laughing. Patricia walks in front of me and looks at my face strangely. "Hmmm...blonde hair, hazel eyes. Naturally pretty. We can put light makeup on you. Maybe a hint of lip gloss," she says to herself.

"So you must be the makeup guru," I say. She nods her head.

"Was it that obvious?" she asks laughing. I smile and loosen up a bit. "So I'm makeup, Celine is hair, and quiet Eliza back there is your wardrobe." I look at Eliza, who is immersed in her sketchbook. She quickly looks up when she hears her name and closes the book.

"Yes, my Lady?" she asks bowing. Patricia shakes her head at  Eliza's cluelessness. "Sorry. I was drawing out a dress for you."

"It's okay," I quickly say. She smiles at me and I decide that she's my favorite. They all rush me to my room and begin to set up stations. I go to Patricia first, and she takes about five minutes to pick an eye shadow for me to wear.

"Sorry I'm taking so long. You just...don't look like you wear a lot of makeup," she says.

"I don't." And it was true. I only wear makeup for special occasions, like parties or recitals. And even then I only wear a little bit of eye shadow. She finally finishes in about ten minutes, handing me a mirror.

A golden eye shadow rests on my lids, followed by a thin black streak of something I've never seen before. "What is this?" I ask pointing to it. Patricia starts laughing.

"You've never seen eyeliner before?" I shake my head. "Wow."

There is a hint of blush on my cheeks and my lips have a tint of pink. I put down the mirror and turn to Patricia. "Thank you," I say with a smile. She nods her head.

"Now go over to Eliza," she says pointing to her. I get up and walk over to Eliza, who is sitting behind my desk, sewing a dark blue fabric together.

"What are you making?" I ask her. She looks up at me and shuts off the sewing machine.

"Your dress for the castle."

"When did you start making that?"

"As soon as I got in here."

"And you're almost done?"

"I just finished, miss." She holds the dress up and I take it from her.

"Eliza, this is amazing," I say.

"Thank you. You can go try it on in the bathroom," she says. I walk into the bathroom and slip on the blue dress.

Cut off at my knees, the bottom half of the dress is made of tulle, draping in the back. The top half is bedazzled beyond recognition and the sleeves stop at my shoulders. I smooth out the dress and walk back to my bedroom. "How do I look?" I ask them. They all look at me and Eliza beams, running over to me.

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