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Y/n's pov

-"Since when do you have a daughter? Why did we never hear about her before now? Is she going to become an Avenger?" And so on. Everyone was talking at the same time, every camera was pointed on me and Tony Stark.

A few of them were recording live so I was already screwed. I couldn't do anything to Stark. Oh how much I wouldve liked to erase that smile from his face.

-"And ladies and gentlemen, I have a second surprise for you." He kneeled down and I was quick to move quickly to the wall, away from the flashes.

I saw him pull out the ring Happy had just tossed him a few seconds earlier.

-"Pepper Potts, I love you with all my heart. Will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor to be my wife."

-"Yes. Oh yes, Tony."

And then just like every Hollywood movie, they kissed and the crowd erupted in cheers, the flashes from the cameras flashing once again.

After the meeting

-"What the fuck Stark? Peter made a right decision and you're screwed so you decide to tell the world I'm your fucking daughter. I can never go to school now. Thanks."

-"You need to start showing me a little respect now. I don't understand why..."

-"Fuck you and your you don't understand. You know exactly what you need to do before I MAYBE start trusting you or not hate you as much."

-"I'm done with this, I'm leaving."

-"You can't. I just told the world you were my daughter."

-"You gotta be shitting me. You really are an ass, you know? Am I at least going to be able to go back to school?"

-No, Im sorry.

-"Now this. This is just perfect. You couldn't leave me alone. Am I not aloud to see my friends?"

-"Happy will bring you to get your stuff at school and at May's. And your friends can come here to see you. I'm sorry, y/n."

-"You're not sorry, you just found a way to get what you wanted." I mumbled. But he heard me.

-"This is not "what I wanted". I wanted you to be happy, but now, even with or without the press conference, people know that you are my daughter. This is just a way to protect you."

-"When are you going to understand that I don't want your protection?"

I was saved by Nat coming in. "That wasn't really cool, Stark." She said to him. "Now let's go, y/n. I'll show you where you'll be staying."

I smiled at her and finally left Stark behind. He didn't try to follow us.

Nat showed me around the new base, or as they call it, the compound. She showed me the training room, telling me she was going to be my trainer. Once the tour was finished and we were just outside my room, I asked her: "Where's Steve, captain America?"

She looked out of the hallway's window. "I don't know, but I want to find him. We were close, before the Accords, but now he's on the run, with Barnes. And Tony doesn't even want to say his name. I know how to contact him, but he also doesn't want to see Tony, they're still mad at each other. I don't really know how to fix it, but I hope that one day, everything is going to be like it was before.

Suddenly, I froze. I think I have an idea on how to get the Avengers back together.

So this is it for this chapter and this book. If you liked it, you can vote and comment. I don't know if I'm going to start the second one or the bucky+loki xReader first or if I'm going to try and do both at the same time. I just want to say that this is my first book ever, and one of the first times I've written in English, so Im pretty proud of myself.

Spoiler for the new book: The Avengers are going to be together sooner than Infinity War (except Bruce and Thor), and the book will set place between Spiderman: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War, so that means I can do almost whatever I want with the story :)

Also, for the Peter Parker lovers, y/n and Peter are going to be together in the next one, it's not really a spoiler since this is a PeterxReader serie, but yeah. I can't wait for you to find out how it happens, I'm still not sure, even if I know what Im going to do with Jesse (remember that he made tiktoks and y/n is in the backround of some of them). see you soon!!

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