Tony Stark? dad? or iron man?

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Y/n's pov

Tony Stark... That name sounded familiar. He clearly knew me, he had said my name. Then I remembered what Kris dad had said...

-"Who am I to you? What am I to you?" I asked him, defying him to lie to me.

He stuttered, his eyes wide opened. It only lasted a second, but I noticed it. His face became serious again. He remained silent, clearly wondering what he could tell me or making up some sort of a lie.

-"I asked you a question, you know." I repeated, impatiently.

-"What do you remember, exactly?"

-"Answer my question before I answer yours."

-"You were always stubborn." He said with a small smile, but his tone was sad and sorry at the same time.

He got a phone call. He rolled his eyes and held a finger up.

-"No... Im busy... What do you want?... Her again?... No, no, get that bitch off the monitor... Yeah, I'm serious... I'm with the girl... No... No... No!! You really are pissing me off... Yeah, don't call me back."

He hung up and touched the side of his glasses. "J.A.R.V.I.S. block that number."

He turned back to me. "Where were we?"

-"You were going to tell me who you are and who or what I was to you."

-"There are some things I can't tell you. Lets just say that I was like a father to you."

Thoughts raced through my mind. My father? No, he said 'like' a father.

-"So you know my parents?"


A nurse came in. "Sir, if you are not the patients relative, I will ask you to leave."

The man looked at me, then he turned back to the nurse and left the room with her. I assumed it was to talk. I waited for them to return but fell asleep.

Tony's pov

-"Your dna is matching at 70%. Usually, it is about 50%, one half for each parent."

-"Okay, but can I take her home, now?"

-"May I ask you who is her mother? I might want to run some tests on her too."

-"She died in an accident a few years ago." I said, trying too sound as sad as possible. Y/n had no mother, but the doctor wouldnt believe me if I said the truth.

-"Okay, you can take her home, but please be careful. If anything happens, you bring her back here."

-"Of course, thank you!"

I quickly called Happy and told him to come and that y/n was coming back with us. I knew he was smiling on the other end of the phone. He was one of the few that knew about her. He used to train her when she was younger. Memories came back rushing in my head.

-Y/n was about five years old. She was running towards me, screaming my name. "Hey, what happened?" I kneeled down and gave her a hug, she buried her head in my shoulder. "There's a man in the shed! I was looking for something to play with and there was a metal guy there." I rolled my eyes, I was laughing. "How many times have I told you not to go in the shed without me?" She looked at me and I melted. "I'm sorry, dad. But it wasn't really clear." I tried to be strict and I was about to tell her once again that she was not supposed to go in the shed by herself, but I knew she would not listen.-

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