The boat incident

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At the same time as the previous chapter

Peter's pov

The day after the decathlon, everyone was talking about what had happen during the weekend. Everyone was alive and well, and they were thanking spider man. But no one really talked about y/n. The class knew she was with Mr. Stark, but it was all.

No one was seriously injured? What the fuck? I thought. I was glad that I saved my classmates and friends, but in the back of my mind, I was a little worried for y/n and the fact that she called me by my name.

I heard Ned call my name, well not my name, more like a "dude, dude, dude."

I tried to repress a smile, but gave up and one spread on my face.

-"So what's it like being famous, but nobody knows it's you?"

-"Crazy, dude. It's actually crazy."

-"Should we tell anyone?" I looked him with my eyes wide open. Why did he think that was a good idea?


-"Should I tell everyone?" What could he not understand?

-"No, dude. That's not a good idea." I replied, looking him straight in the eyes so he knew I was serious.

He hurried to class. He didn't want to be late. I decided not to go to class. I realized what the wingman guy was doing, and I wanted to investigate. Ned reminded me about school and our spanish quiz, but I couldn't care less. I wasn't going to be a high school drop out, I was going to be an Avenger. I just needed to prove to Mr. Stark that I was worthy of a chance. I was about to turn around and leave, but the director was there and I had to go to his office.

I got detention. I realized that I didn't talk to Ned about y/n, but it wasn't that important. Right? I was bored out of my mind in the small classroom, watching Captain America give a speech.

A small smile spread on my lips as I remembered this summer, when I actually got to meet him, and stole his shield. Well, not steal, I gave it back... He took it back, but it was pretty cool. But right now, his speech reminded me of one of Mr. Stark's and I felt a little bit of anger rise in me. I was so close to stop the wing dude.

So at one point, I just stood up abruptly, took my bag and left the room. I got to my secret locker hiding place and took everything I needed (extra web potion) and got home.

I sneaked in quietly.

-"May? Y/n?"

There were no answers. I was in the clear.

Time skip to the boat scene

I looked inside the boat, and quickly found two guys, one that I was able to recognize, but the other one was just suspect. A movement caught my eye. Y/n, and Jesse. They were here, on the boat. They were oblivious to the fact I was right here and there were two bad guys right next to them.

I shrugged the stress knot that was starting to build up in my stomach and got on top of the boat, gathering information on every suspect. I felt like a real Avenger.

Everything was going great, I found all suspects, they were all here. I also knew where the weapons were. But then I got a call from Mr. Stark. I told Karen not to answer but she did. Shit.

He started to do a nice speech, congratuling me on the work I did in DC. But right now was just not the right time. Any other time, I wouldve been excited and happy to receive that speech from him, but right now, I was trying to prove myself to him, to save the people I love from a man with way too strong weapons.

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