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This is my first story and the 1st thing i wrote in english. So please, give me your feedback, even if its something i need to work on. I hope you like it. :)

-"It's going to kill her. She's like a daughter to me."

-"And you're like a father to her, she would want you to be safe, she would want you to do it. You need to do this."

With regrets, he pressed the button.

y/n's pov

I woke up with my mind completely black. I sat up in panic. "Where am I?" I thought to myself. "How did I get here?" I had a headache and I could barely concentrate. All I knew was that my name was y/n and I was 14 years old. I was in a room that looked like a jail, a single bed and 4 walls.

The door opened and two men came in.

-"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked them.

They gave me a strange look and took me by the arms, literally dragging me across many corridors. I was trying to remain calm. Maybe they were here to help me. I tried to convince myself. We finally arrived at a huge door that opened in front of us. There was a man standing in the back of the room, looking out the window.

He turned around and I saw his face. A scar distorted his face. His eyes looked at me with anger and what I think was joy. I didnt quite understand why.

-"What do you know?" He asked me with a firm tone.

-"Know what?" I asked.

I had no idea what he was talking about. A glimmer of incomprehension crossed his eyes. He then started laughing.

-"He really did it? I didn't think he would."

-"Who? Do what?" I asked with fear in my voice. I wasn't trying to hide it anymore. The man did not answer my question.

-"Well, seems the little toy no longer interests her master. Now I can have fun. Lets see what you can do."

He threw a punch, hitting me across the face. I fell to the ground. As I tried to get up, the two men started to kick me. I only felt pain. I didn't know what was going on, I was lost. What did they want? I dont know when I passed out, but I know I did.

Jesse's pov

-"Dad?" I opened the door.

I could see Marc and James dragging the body of what seemed to be a girl, but before I could get a closer look, my dad stepped out and closed the door.

-"Who's that?" I asked him.

-"Don't worry about it, you'll meet her soon. She's nobody, really. How's the guy you live with for the exchange?"

-"Ned? He's good. But why can't I live with you? You're my dad". I said.

-"Jesse, you know you can't live with me. When I divorced your mother, she got custody. You're not supposed to know I'm here. I contacted you because I want you to succeed me with my business. You'll see soon, I promise. But for now, stay out of it. Do you understand?"

-"Yeah, I guess." I said. "What did my father do to that girl?" I thought.

I left. I went to Ned's, it was getting pretty late and I didn't want them to worry.

-"Hey Ned, hey Peter!"

-"Hey Jesse! The supper is ready, mom left it in the fridge. We're doing homework." Ned told me.

-"Thanks mate!"

Peter's pov

Jesse seemed different when he came in. He looked at us with what seemed to be panic and incomprehension, like he had see something he couldn't understand and couldn't get it out of his mind.

-"Man, I can't wait for school to be over. I like math but this is too much." Ned told me, snapping me out of my reflexion.

-"Yeah, I know. Just one month left. We can do this!" I laughed.

I couldn't wait for summer break. I would have all the time in the world to hang out with Ned and swing around. I loved the feeling of freedom I had when I wore my costume. I feel like the world is mine and I can do anything I want. I try to do the good, protect the city.


-"Yeah Ned, sorry, what?"

-"I finally have the money to buy the lego death star!"

-"That's great, I can't wait". I said happily.

So this is the 1st chapter. I think im going to write longer chapters in the future. Let me know if you prefer them short or longer (short is less than 1,000 words) dont forget to like and comment if you like it or if theres anything you think i can improve.

A Hard Choice (Peter P. Xreader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now