Saving the elevator

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Y/n's pov

The truck stopped to get gas. I saw in the distance a guy with what seemed to be wings fighting with a guy in what seemed to be a costume. Unfortunately, they were too far, and I couldn't see really clearly. But I noticed that the line I had been following from the start was making the costumed-guy glow in a pale f/c aura. The top of the truck was glowing with a purple light, until the wing guy kicked the costumed guy who fell in the truck. He closed the opening and left.

I was confused, but it was starting to get pretty late and I didn't want to go too far, so I jumped out of the truck and decided to forget about the man. My instinct was telling me that he was going pretty far from the decathlon, so we wouldn't be in danger for a bit if he was not a good-guy.

But there was one thing that confused me more. I was feeling the urge to help the man. Why? I saw him stalking us from the roof. I decided to ignore the feeling, and slowly walked back to the hotel. Luckily, it was not too far from the gas station. I only walked for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half.

Once I arrived at the hotel, I didn't even bother to change into my pyjamas. I simply jumped on my bed, throwing the sheets over my body. MJ looked up from the book she was reading.

-"Well, Im not going to ask you where you've been. It must be pretty embarrassing that you spend almost two hours on the toilet."

-"I decided to go for a walk." I told her, my face smooshed against my pillow.

-"Yeah, well don't forget to take a shower tomorrow."

-"Goodnight." I was in need to end the conversation, even if I knew she was just joking.

-"Night." She said before going back to her book.

Next morning

-"Wake up, y/n!" MJ told me, hitting me with her pillow.

I groaned. "How are you up so early? What time did you go to sleep?"

-"Only two hours after you came back from your walk."

I nodded, wanting to go back to sleep. But it hit me. "I came back at like eleven!"

-"So? Now go take a shower."

She took my arm, yanked me off the bed and threw me in the bathroom.

-"I need some clothes, you know?"

The door unlocked, and a pair of jeans and a shirt were thrown at me.

I hopped in the shower. The warm water helped me wake up. I started to try and put the pieces together. Peter disappeared. There was a guy that was spying on us, but the more I thought about it, the more I had the strong feeling that it wasn't he who was the bad guy. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the guy that got trapped in the truck looked like spider man, but I couldn't be absolutely sure, since it was dark. The secrets between Ned and Peter Peter just disappearing. He was in shape, and pretty muscular, but it seemed impossible that he could've just stick to the table when he followed the guys in the school. Spider man was from New York, but I was sure I saw him here, in Washington.

-"No fucking way. It can't be..."

Was Peter spider man? It could explain a lot of things, but I had to make sure. If Peter wasn't back before the decathlon, it would mean that there were good chances that he was the one trapped in the truck. But I could also confront Ned, he wasn't really a good liar. But there was a small chance that Ned didn't know, and the secrets were about something else, like... I don't know... Liz? I had to talk to Peter, and Peter only.

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