Peter's suit

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Y/n's pov

I walked away from the crowd. The boat was slowly coming back to shore, safely. I had no idea where Peter was. I got on the front of the boat.

-"Where the hell are you, Pete?" I mumbled to myself.

I closed my eyes a heavy sigh escaped my lips as I let my head fall down. Suddenly, I fell forward, the ramp I was leaning on just disappeared. I opened my eyes, shocked and I was able to stop myself from falling off the high building I was now on. I looked around. I was not on the boat anymore, but I didnt really question it. I stopped questioning everything strange that I was able to do a long time ago.

Peter was facing the other way, he had not heard me arrive, surprisingly. I walked up next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, in an attempt not to scare him.

He jumped up and for a second, I was afraid he may fall off the building.

-"Y/n... What are you... What are you doing here? How did you get here? Why are you...?"

Then he mustve realized something because he looked down at his suit. "Shit."

-"It's alright, I was already pretty sure it was you anyways."

I tried to reassure him, but he still had a sad look.

-"I messed up, y/n. I really did."

-"Peter, you did your best. You almost saved those people, it was just a small mistake, it happens to everyone."

-"But you almost died, and it wasn't a small mistake. I didn't almost save those people, I almost killed them. If Mr. Stark"

-"If Stark wasn't there, you would've find something else. You're only fifteen." I cut him off.

We were interrupted by Iron Man.

-"Previously on Peter screws the Pooch... I tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you hack a multimillion-dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do. And getting my daughter involved. He pointed towards me.

I was about to clap back, but Peter spoke instead. "Is everyone okay?"

-"No thanks to you."

Peter wasn't fast enough to stop me from replying this time. "Hey, Peter did his best. If you weren't too busy going on vacation, and you actually payed attention to him, maybe he wouldn't have to feel like he has to prove something to you. I think it should be you who need to prove yourself to him. Peter is trying to stop something serious while you're out there drinking martinis or doing god knows what. Those weapons are out there and he tried to tell you about them but you didn't listen. None of that would've happened if you had just listened to him. And for a fact, Peter didn't involve me into this. He did everything he could to protect me from it. It was my idea and my idea only."

Peter got up and held my hand while I was pouring my anger towards Stark. With a small squeeze, he told me to stop gently.

-"What she's trying to say, is that if you actually cared, you would be here."

The suit opened up and Stark stepped out. I quickly looked at Peter and saw a panicked look on his face. I felt him regret everything he had just said, even if I was the one who said the most.

He started to walk towards Peter with a look I couldn't identify. I pushed Peter behind me, and looked up to the man with a challenging look.

He completely ignored me and even pushed me aside.

A Hard Choice (Peter P. Xreader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now