The fight (part 1)

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I'm skipping the scene where Peter goes to get Liz and meets her parents, especially her father ;). I know it's a funny/interesting scene but I want to concentrate more on Y/n's story.

Y/n's pov

-"Y/n, please, let me open the door for you." Jesse said taking a special "gentleman" voice.

He got out the car and opened the door for me with a smirk.

-"Wow, such a gentleman."

-"I know right?"

I laughed and took his hand. Ned was already gone inside, even if Peter was only going to be here in a few minutes. We walked up the stairs and as soon as we reached the doors, we started to hear the loud music. Through the windows, we could see all the students.

-"Oh my god, are there really that many students in the school?" I really didn't want to go in suddenly.

-"Come on, once we get on the dance floor, it will seem like it's just the two of us. Trust me, it's not that bad."

He dragged me inside, laughing.

We started dancing and I gotta admit that it was really fun. After about 15 minutes, I spotted Liz in the crowd but not Peter. Jesse left to get us drinks, he saw Sam standing near the punch table and I went up to Liz.

-"Hey, where's Pete?"

-"Oh, my dad wanted to give him the 'dad talk'. So he's in the car with him. He should be here in a few minutes though."

-"Oh, ok." I started to leave but Liz held me back.

-"Is he okay? He seemed weird when came to my house."

-"I don't know. You should ask him."

I spotted Peter just outside the doors, looking inside. He looked at Ned and MJ for a second and finally came in. Liz went to great him. I watched them from the distance.

-"Hey, I got the drinks."

-"Jesse! Thanks." I took a sip of the juice. Didn't taste like alcohol, so I guess the "Teen-alcoholics" hadn't arrived yet. There was always one of them that put alcohol in the punch and then they would all laugh when some students became drunk.

They were often kicked out and banned from coming back, but they'd find a way to sneak in or to find "new members".

But as I drank, I didn't let my gaze leave Peter. He seemed distant, preoccupied as he talked to Liz.

-"He seems off. Maybe you should go talk to him." Jesse said, kissing my forehead.

I nodded, kissed him on the cheek and left, just as Peter ran, leaving Liz and the party. That was weird.

-"Peter!" I yelled but the music and the crowd were too loud.

I ran after him, noticing MJ giving me a questioning look but I decided to ignore it.

I ran through the hallways, not sure if I was in the right way, but I spotted Peter's tie on the floor. "God, he decided to strip while running!?"

I heard a loud grinching noise and when I turned the corner, I saw Peter reaching under the set of lockers, pulling out something (probably his suit) and running once again.

-"Peter, for god's sake. What the fuck are you doing?"

-"Oh, shit, y/n, what are you doing here? Go back to the party!"

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