The plan (scenes and references from Civil War and Homecoming)

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Peter's pov

After I was done fighting Captain America, Happy took me back to my room (If you don't get the reference, watch Captain America Civil War and Peter's vlog in Spider Man Homecoming). I took my camera out and filmed myself.

-"It was... The most amazing ever thing just happened. So Mr. Stark was like: Hey underoos and I just sorta flipped in and I stole Caps shield! Then I was like: Hey, whats up everybody! And then..."

Someone knocked on the door. "Hey, just a second. Coming!" I back flipped over my bed and Happy opened the door. He gave me an annoyed look.

-"We have thin walls here..."

-"Oh... Sorry."

We both went to sleep. It took me a while to fall asleep because I was still all psyched from the fight earlier. The day just replayed in my mind over and over again. I just met the Avengers! I still couldn't believe it. Did that mean that I would soon be an Avenger? That I would be fighting big guys and save the world? Did I do a good job? Was Tony Stark, aka Iron Man proud of me. Iron Man!!! He came to me to join his team. OMG!!!

The next morning, we flew back to NYC. Tony and Happy drove me to my apartment. He let me keep the suit! And he said that he'd call me! Well, not him, but someone. "We'll call you". He said. They'll call me.

I happily ran upstairs. The weight of my suitcase wasn't bothering me. It was my new suit! May wasn't home so I got to my room to unpack my stuff.

Y/n's pov

I woke up, I was really dizzy. I tried to sit up, but my arms were too weak. I saw Jesse sitting beside me. He gently helped me sit up and handed me a plate with food.

-"You need to eat. I know you haven't for a long time."

How did he know? "I found the pile of food you were hiding under the bed. You need to eat, please."

-"Why? All I remember is torture, I don't remember anything before I got here." I started sobbing and he hugged me.

-"I know what my dad does to you. I want to get you out of here. You don't deserve all this. Please trust me." He whispered to my ear, still holding me tight. I didn't want him to let go. As weird as it sounds, I felt safe in his arms.

He handed me the plate again. I sighed and looked at him in the eyes. He insisted with a small nod. Then I noticed the syringe he was holding behind his back. I backed away.

-"Please don't. Can't you just pretend? please."

-"No. Because you have... powers or something like that... You burned my dad's face and he's really mad. You could probably escape this room, but you wouldn't go too far. There are two armed men outside this door. The security system is too strong... Look... I've been trying to find a weak spot. And I know it's wrong to ask you this, but you need to take the drug." He pointed at the syringe. "It'll be easier for you if you don't know what my dad does to you. I don't want to know that you suffer."

-"But then he will be able to do whatever he wants with me and I won't be able to defend myself. "

Jesse chocked. "No! No! You can't defend yourself. My dad is really close to lose it and I'm afraid he might kill you if you do anything. Please trust me."

Someone knocked on the door. "Jesse? Is everything alright? You've been here for a long time."

-"I'll be right there." He told the men. The door remained closed during the small exchange.

Jesse' pov

-"I need to do this. I'm sorry." I said, taking the syringe out.

-"No, I'll do it." She told me, taking it from my hands.

Before I could say anything, she stuck the needle in her arm. She passed out a few seconds later. I got up, gave her one last look and left the room. I gave the now empty syringe to the two men standing outside the door. They gave me a strange look but said nothing. I really hoped they didn't know anything that happened in there.

-"You should go to your dad's office." One of the men told me.

I nodded.

Once I arrived there, I overheard a conversation between my dad and an unknown man.

-"You shouldn't take this much risks."

-"I'm not taking any." I heard my father say,

-"Yes you are, did you think about what would happen if the Avengers, and especially Tony Stark knew she's here?"

-"They won't come for her. They erased her memories. I know the program. It was supposed to kill her, but there was a short-circuit in the microchip in her head. It didn't kill her or her powers, but she has no memories. She wouldn't recognize them if she saw them. I'm pretty sure that Stark did not talk about her to anyone. It would be really bad for his Iron Man career. And plus, the Avengers are fighting each other right now. They're too busy to care about her IF they knew she was even still alive."

-"Agent Zemo did his job pretty well. And you did too."

-"Yeah, I wasn't sure about Helmut, but I was able to hypnotize him. He doesn't know he's working for us, so even if he gets captured, nothing will lead them to us and to the girl." I wondered who was the guy they were talking about (in case you didnt know, it's the mean guy in Captain America Civil War).

I heard them coming towards the door so I knocked and pretended like I had just arrived.

-"Hey dad, you wanted to see me?"

-"Yeah, I wanted to see you, but it's alright. I'm going to show my friend our guest." I knew he was talking about y/n. I hoped that the mans presence would prevent my dad from hurting her. "You can go to the guy-youre-living-with's home."

-"His name is Ned, dad." I sighed.

Then I got an idea, a plan to get y/n out of there.

We're getting out, finally. The story is building up, I promise. Like and comment. I love you all <3

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