Regina is...

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"... you are pregnant."
"You're pregnant."
"I heard what you said."
"Then why did you.." I stopped myself in the middle of my sentence, knowing that there would be some sort of consequence for finishing that sentence .
"Oh my gosh." She says putting her hand on her forehead and sinking down to the floor.
"So, who's the dad?"
"What? Aren't you mad at me?"
"No, of course not. Besides, this happened on the Enchanted Forest, right?"
She nods her head, still in shock she says:
"So, Robin is the dad?"
"Oh... I see him a lot walking by your house when I leave."
"Oh... he does?" She says a little bit more curious now.
"Yah" I said suspiciously.
"Ugh.. I feel a little bit better."
"Okay, do you want to go lay in bed?"
"Yah" she says while she gets up. I help her get to her bed and ask:
"Is there anything I can get you?"
"Umm... can you go to the store for me?"
"Yah, I guess"
"My grocery list is on the counter in the kitchen."
"Okay, I'll be right back."
We exchange our goodbyes and I leave to head to the store. I couldn't help, but thinking of Regina still had feelings for Robin because she sounded so excited when I told her that he kind of hung around her house. I shouldn't worry though, I have bigger things on my mind right now.

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