Where's Henry?

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"Regina!" I yell as she is kicked by Hook
"Mom!" Henry cries
"How dare you Hook!"
"Mr. Smee take the boy on the Jolly Rodger."
"Mom!" Henry yells "Don't let them take me!"
"No!" I scream at Smee "I'm coming Henry!" I then use my light magic on Hook. He dodges it "Not very smart Swan!" He loads the Jolly Rodger and sails away before I have the chance to use my magic or grab my gun.
"Henry!" I yelled as the boat sails away into a portal. I could hear the faint voice of Henry calling for me.
"Im coming Henry! I'll find you, I'll always find you!" I yell as I burst into tears and run over to Regina, she's been knocked out. I take Regina to the car and drive her home. I set her in bed and call my dad.
"Hello?" He answers
"Dad!" I say crying
"What happened?"
"I thought Hook lost Henry, so I called Regina. It turns out he didn't lose him and took him away through a portal on the Jolly Rodger!"
"It's going to be all right! Where's Regina?"
"She's at home with me and she is in bed. Hook knocked her out!"
"I'll be right there! I have to pick up Mary Margret and your brother Neil first and then I'll be on my way."
"Okay." I hang up the phone
When David gets here he comforts me and I make us some tea.
"Emma? David? What happened?" Regina says in a sleepy voice when she awakes after a couple of hours "I had the weirdest dream that Hook took Henry." As she says that me and David look at each other with worried looks on our faces.
"That wasn't a dream." David says in his reassuring voice
"Yah, that actually happened! Hook knocked you out." I say
"Well then, WHERE'S HENRY??" She asks
I couldn't find the words to speak after that, I was too ashamed that I let him go. I felt as if it was all my fault Henry was gone. I wasn't to sure where Hook took Henry, but I had a pretty good idea of where he might have... Neverland.

I'll Fight For Our Son: A SwanQueen StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin