Chapter 1 ~ Hook Did What?

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Emma POV:

It was late in the afternoon when I was at Granny's with my mom and baby brother when I got a call from the Sheriffs station.
"I need you to get down here!"
"What happened?"
"Something is wrong with the town line."
"I'll be right there!" I say as I hang up my phone.
"Is everything alright?" My mom asks me. "Yah! Dad just called me and said he needs help at the station."
"Bye" I say as I walk out the door.
What could possibly have happened? I get into my beetle and drive to the station.
Once I finally get there.
"Regina? What are you doing here?" I say as we hug.
"I came to help" she says
"Where's Henry?"
"He's with Hook"
"Ladies, you can do your catching up later, but now is not the time." David says.
"He's right" said Regina
"What happened?"
"The town line is down. Outsiders can now get in. The whole town could be in jeopardy if someone were to find this place!" David says.
"Dad, you and Regina go check it out. I'm going to get Henry. He normally is pretty good about these kind of situations!"
"Okay, love you!" They say synchronized. I smile as look back while I'm leaving.
I hop into my car and call Killian.
"Hello?" He answers
"Hook, I'm coming to get Henry."
"I don't think that is necessary!"
"I may or may not have lost the boy love"
"You did what?"
"I left him alone for a few minutes while we were fishing to get some bait and when I returned he was gone. I tried calling him on this bloody device, but he wouldn't answer. as I looked around for a little while his device was near the bucket he was sitting on. He also left his fishing pole. I thought maybe he went to the bathroom, but he's been gone for an hour."
"Hook!" I say angrily.

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