Finish This In Hell

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"We did want you Abigail."

"That's not my fucking name." I screamed. "You know what I'm thinking of joining the armed forces just the same as my brother and your husband and I don't know if it's just me but I'm starting to see a bit of a pattern in our luck. Maybes I'll get myself blown up as well and then we can finish this in hell."

"They would laugh in your face as soon as you stepped through the door. You're too weak." She smirked.

"How about we step outside and we'll see how weak I am." I wouldn't mind punching her a couple of times. It wouldn't be the first fight we've ever had.

"I'm not going to hit my own daughter." She sighed and I let out a humourless chuckle.

"You didn't seem to have a problem with it a couple of months ago so don't bother pretending like you give a shit. You couldn't give less of a fuck about me."

"Fine if this is the only way you'll talk to me lead the way." Finally I can let some of my anger out. I led her out to the grass in front of my house getting into a good fighting position. "Are you going to make the first move or are you just going to prove my point that you're too weak?" Just as the last word left her lips I had my fist connected with her stomach knocking the breath out of her.

"Are you going to continue to be a bitch?" It was her turn to hit me but she took a slight step back preparing herself but also indicating to me what she was doing so I took a step backwards just as she tried to punch me. "Are you still going to say you're my mother when we both know you're not?" She yet again tried to hit me but made the same mistake as the first time. She's trained in combat shouldn't she know that subtle things like taking a small step before making your move can give you away. "Are you still going to expect me to care about you or your husband?" The was the final straw for her. She lunged at me tackling me to the ground but as soon as my back hit I had flipped us over standing back up and allowing her to get to her feet. I may hate her but I refuse to be a coward. This is going to be a fair fight.

She struggled to her feet and almost instantly started to attack my ribs. I fought back just as hard and I knew that tomorrow we would both be covered from head to toe in bruises. We continued to fight until two sets of hands on my shoulder were pulling me away from her just as the same happened to her. I thrashed around in the person's, or persons', hands trying to get away before a third set came to hold me. By this point she had given in so they let go of her. "See your weak mentally, maybe's if your brother was here you might be stronger. Shame he had to get killed isn't it?" She mocked with a fucking smirk on her face. If I thought I hated her before, then now I would gladly drag her to hell myself. I was going to punch her fucking smirk right off her face. I pulled out of my restraints and lunged at her pinning her to the floor and hitting her as fast as I could, as hard as I could before I was pulled off of her and pinned to the floor by Stephen. Even though he was twice my size he struggled to contain me so the boy's came to help, Ashton holding my legs and Calum holding my arms while Stephen held my body because they were the three strongest.

I saw the bitch escorted of the premises but all I wanted to do was catch up and wrap my hands around her throat. She deserved to know what it felt like to feel as though you can't breathe, as though your world is falling apart, as though you're dying inside because that is exactly how she made me feel. The only reason I didn't is because I knew if I did I wouldn't stop until she was six feet under and I was going down for murder.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat