chapter 1: mondays

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emmas pov:

I wake up to the sound of the alarm, 7:30, UGH. I jump out of bed and walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Being the lazy person that I am, I just made some cereal. After I ate breakfast I went into the bathroom, took a shower brushed my teeth, and put on minimal makeup. I looked at the clock, it read 8:25...."SHIT" I cursed I was gonna be late....again. I swear to God I have no idea how I haven't got fired yet.

I ran down the stairs of my apartment building as fast as I could and then sprinted to my car. I got in my car and struggled to find my keys in my purse, after several seconds of tearing apart my purse, I found my keys. I drove as quickly as I could (without getting pulled over) to get to work. I got there only 4 minutes late...."thats my new record" I laughed to myself.

"Emma your late again! You know we are always busy on Mondays" said my boss. He said the exact same thing every morning.

"Sorry Patrick, There was awful traffic." I said hoping he would believe me.

"Yeah whatever, just get to work."

I set my purse down on the hanger with my name on it. Then put on my apron, I took place of my friend, Frank at the cash register.

"Thank Jesus Christ your here. The line just keeps getting longer and longer and Im getting death glares from Patrick by the minute." Frank said jokingly.

"Haha, well at least Im here now."

As the day went on buisness started lightening up a bit. Me and Franks break was in about 10 minutes so we just decided to start it now. We went into the break room and sat in the ghetto chairs, by the ghetto coffee table, next to the ghetto coffee machine. Which of course good old considerate Patrick bought for us.

"So what are your plans for this week?" I asked Frank.

"Well my friend, Ray is coming into town for a couple of days so Im probably just gonna chill with him. He's a pretty cool guy I bet you would like him if you wanted to meet him."

"I would love to meet him, thanks Frank."I said with a smile.

"Ok sounds like a plan."

Patrick came in and told us our break was over in 2 minutes so we decided to get back to our work stations. A couple of hours passed by with only 6 to 7 customers an hour. I checked my phone because no one was around, but then the door opened. I looked up and angel choirs were literally playing in my head. It was a boy, he had black hair that framed his face perfectly and beautiful eyes. He was lean, not exactly tall but not as short as Frank.

Then my perfect moment was interrupted by Frank bumping my arm signaling me to take his order. "Oh..sorry" I said,I could feel my cheeks getting heated.

"Uh....yeah can I just get a medium black coffee please."

"Sure." Frank went to making the coffee while I typed his order into the cash register.

"That will be $3.16" I told him

"Oh, and your name for the order?"


Holy mother of pearl, he was just perfect. When he left with his coffee Frank came up to me "Ooo.. looks like Emmas got the hots for someone named Gerard." he said teasingly.

"Psshh I do not!"

"Oh and your name for the order?" he said mocking me in a high pitched voice.

"Ok. Fine maybe I do , but its not like Im ever gonna see him again."

"Oh Im not sure about that sweetheart* Frank said so stuck my tounge out at him.

Finally closing time came. I got into my car, pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. When I got home I ordered some chinese food and turned on my t.v. My favorite show, American Horror Story was on so I just decided to watch that. I had just finished season 4 but the were playing season 1 right now. It was the one where Tate tells Violet he loves her, and of course seeing Evan Peters cry always makes me cry, so I was sobbing. Makeup was all over my face so when the episode was over I got ready for bed and washed my face.

I got into bed, but I honestly dont go to sleep till around 1:30, due to the fact of fangirling over hot guys and checking social media. Then I got a text from Frank:
-Still thinking about your lover boy? ;)-
-You wish-
-Well I just texted Ray and apparently he knows the guy-
-Ily2- Frank xoxo-
-Good night Frank-
-Sweet dreams✌️-

A/N (3/13/15)
Hi, my name is Joanna. I decided to write this story because it has been in my brain forever. I hope you like it! (and if you don't that's okay too :D)
Please don't forget to vote if u like it.

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