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Leo could still feel Tom's eyes behind her back as she walked out of the Riddle Manor along with the people she once called family.

Leo knew that she was never the one to take good decisions, her plans were always horrible and she handled things in the worst way possible. However, not once did her plans fail.

Helena's sharp nails dug deep into her arms, breaking the along and drawing out blood. Yet, she refused to show her pain. Andrew was walking with that man from the ministry of magic, profusely thanking him for what he had done for them and how much he missed his daughter.

Each word that spewed out of Andrew and Helena's mouth left a bitter taste on Leo's tongue. Her eyes were dead set on the man from the ministry.

Just a few more seconds and he would soon apparate away. She was waiting for that chance. Giving up was far from what she had on her mind.

Hopefully, that stupid leprechaun would understand that she had an ulterior motive behind her actions.

Although, she did act quite childishly for the past two days. She could've handled the situation like a grown women instead of shutting everyone out and snacking on an unhealthy amount of cakes and cookies.

She at least should've discussed her thoughts with Tom before deciding to dive into the ring of fire.

At least, she could say that she liked living on the edge.

Would Tom try to kill her for that?


Did she sound cool though?


She watched as Andrew waved a farewell towards the man. A sly grin took over Leo's features when the man apparated in a puff of smoke along with the other Aurors.

Andrew turned back towards Helena and shot her a meaningful look. The lady nodded and started tugging Leo more harshly.

"Ow! Lady, do you not trim your nails?" Leo exclaimed dramatically making Helena glare down at her.

Leo's strange sense of humour was back again, just at the wrong time.

Not that she could control it. It was merely a coping mechanism during serious circumstances.

"I will have none of your meaningless humour. Just keep quiet and walk," Helena snapped which made Leo's grin even wider.

The girl freed herself from Helena's death grip with a strong jerk of her arms. Poor lady tripped on her own heels and went tumbling onto the ground whilst crying out for Andrew.

Leo didn't wait for the melodrama. She took a sharp U-turn and went straight back inside the Riddle Manor.

Much to her displeasure, Tom was still standing in front of the threshold with a dumbfounded look on his face. Leo snapped her fingers in front of his eyes a couple of times to pull him out of his trance.

His eyes fluttered a couple of times before finally focusing on Leo. The said girl shook her head from side to side while watching how dumb Tom looked.

-and he has the audacity to call himself the dark lord.

"You're here..." Tom trailed off.

"Of course I'm here," Leo snapped and tuned back once to see Andrew helping Helena to stand on her feet just outside the iron gates of Tom's house.

She needed to hurry.

Without thinking much, she grabbed Tom's collar and pulled him down to her height. He immediately scowled towards the action.

𝕲𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈[𝕬 𝕿𝖔𝖒 𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞]Where stories live. Discover now