The Truth Untold

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Maybelle's life had been so unpredictable ever since the night she met lord Voldemort on her bed. Yeah, anyone remember that?

Currently she was in one of those situations where she didn't really know what the future held. She was scared. Not because the heir of Slytherin was going to open the Chamber of Secrets. But because she had already destroyed the basilisk. She didn't know how Tom would react to an empty chamber with no basilisk to kill the the half bloods.

Tom hand already gone down the pipe a few minutes ago. Maybelle could only imagine the amount of scratches he could have gotten after landing. Or maybe he was a secret ninja and had landed perfectly. She knew she certainly wasn't as graceful as him.

Maybelle came out of her hiding place. She approached the infamous faucet and turned it slowly. She learned from her last visit that the ride was going to be rough. She counted up to ten under her breath and made a jump for it.

She made her body as small as possible to minimize getting hurt from the rough surface. According to her calculations, she had exactly thirty seconds before she landed painfully on the floor of bones and dead carcass.

As soon as she saw the little opening, she braced herself and rolled her body to decrease the momentum. The landing was nowhere near being graceful but she successfully avoided getting impaled by sharp bones. So, that was a win.

Her legs were shaking from the aftermath of her ride but she forced herself to walk ahead. She had almost forgotten about the stench but once the odor hit her, her nostrils started burning.

She tried to remember all happy memories to distract herself only to realise she didn't have as much. The thought made her more depressed than necessary. Groaning to herself she thought about singing to get her mind off of things.

"I was a girl in the village doing alright
Then I became a princess overnight
Now I gotta figure out how to do it right
So much to learn and see..."

She hummed away the rest of the song and used her memory to navigate. Soon, she found herself closer to the destination. She stopped singing, too scared incase Riddle would hear her.

Maybelle turned the last corner but immediately jumped away when she saw Tom Riddle standing at the closed entrance of the Chamber while reading something from an old scripture.

Maybelle guessed that it was some kind of a map to find the Chamber. She peeked from behind the wall to see him look quite calm. Maybe he still didn't notice the gaping hole not too far away from the main entrance. It was not that big as she had to squeeze through it last time but he should at least be a about observant. Then again, it was kind of a good thing he didn't notice it.

Maybelle flinched as soon as Tom started hissing out some command for the door to open. If only she didn't kill the basilisk, Tom would be making his first horcrux tonight. But that also meant that he somehow found out about horcruxes.

But she had made sure that the book was not there in the library.

Maybelle groaned softly. She was in big trouble. If today she was in place of Myrtle, there was a high chance of Tom Riddle killing her even without the Basilisk. To say she was in deep shizzle would be an understatement.

The poor girl got startled when the door started opening. She took in a few deep breaths and jumped on her toes to give herself a boost. Alarms started going off in her head but she shut them all out. This was for Tom. For all the things he did for her even though he possibly had a selfish motive behind them.

She came out of her hiding but Tom was too engrossed in his own world to notice her. He looked so hopeful, almost like a kid getting a Christmas gift he always wanted. Was it wrong to feel guilty for destroying his dream like that?

𝕲𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈[𝕬 𝕿𝖔𝖒 𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞]Where stories live. Discover now