The King Of Beasts

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"Where is it?"

"I didn't take it! My one is gone too! Oh, dear Merlin!"

"That is impossible! Someone must have taken it!"

Maybelle heaved a large sigh when she finally sneaked out of the Ravenclaw dorms with an unusually large bag. It was past curfew and her bag was making unwanted tinkling noises. The Ravenclaw dorms could be heard all across the corridor. The girls inside were going through some serious crisis having no mirrors to do whatever they do with mirrors. The sole reason behind such a tragic incident was the one and only Maybelle.

She couldn't really help but steal all their mirrors. It was in fact a life and death situation. Her next mission was to go to the owlery and collect her favourite rooster, Jet, who would probably die tonight.

She waved her hand on top of the bag to cast a silencing spell on it. Her main goal was to avoid the perfects as much as possible. She didn't worry about Tom. He didn't even know about the chamber of secrets till the beginning of his fifth year.

Her quiet footsteps echoed throughout the empty corridors. The way to the owlery had many twists and turns from the Ravenclaw wing. She passed the kitchen, where she could hear the house-elves cleaning the dishes. She had quite the popularity among them as she was almost a regular midnight customer for leftover food.

She started chanting in her mind repeatedly that she won't stop to grab a snack. Unfortunately, as soon as the sweet aroma of cookies invaded her nostrils, she took a sharp U-turn. Her feet carried her to the back door of the kitchen.

She peeked inside the warm area where at least a dozen of house-elves were chatting and washing dishes. As if they could already sense her presence, all of them turned their heads towards their favourite visitor at the same time.

"Miss Maybelle!" One of the little ones cheered.

Maybelle quickly entered inside and closed the doors behind her. She beamed at the cute creatures and greeted them one by one.

"We have saved the special chocolate chip cookies for miss Maybelle! We were waiting patiently for her," another one exclaimed and hopped off the kitchen counter.

"Okay! But I am in a hurry today. How about I take it with me?" Maybelle asked and all the elves hummed in excitement.

"Miss Maybelle is looking for trouble~" an elf named Folen said in a sing-song voice only to earn a sharp slap on the back of his head by another elf.

"She's just going for an exciting adventure," said a female elf while handing her a few cookies wrapped in a clean handkerchief," Tell us about it after you return. We hope the cookies will give miss Maybelle strength."

Maybelle took the food carefully in her hand while thanking her wonderful elves. She quickly made an exit and continued her journey towards the owlery.

The cookies were absolutely wonderful! By the time she reached her destination, she had only three left in her pouch. Her face as well as her nightgown was covered in crumbs. But it was way past curfew and she could care less about being spotted like that. Though she was sure that Ignis and Jet would give her a few judgemental looks.

She suddenly felt a weight on her shoulders. Her eyes met the sky blue orbs of her beloved owl. Her red feathers almost looked dark purple under the soft moonlight. The owl hooted lovingly and nudged her face into her cheek. Maybelle giggled softly and took out another cookie. She broke it in half and earned a hoot of protest from Ignis.

"Hey, sharing is caring. Either get half or the whole thing will go to Jet," she warned and the poor owl took the haft cookie anyway. Maybelle started looking around for her black rooster. It was nearly impossible to find him when it was night.

𝕲𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈[𝕬 𝕿𝖔𝖒 𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞]Where stories live. Discover now