Sorting and Sneezing

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"Just imagine that there would be a shower of melting hot wax on our head!" Maybelle whispered while nudging her friend who was gaping at the floating candles of the Great hall.

The first years were lined up for proceeding with the sorting ceremony. Maybelle was low-key terrified of the outcome. Her whole plan depended on the house which she would be in.

Maybelle tuned out the unnecessarily long speech by headmaster Dippet. After waiting for what felt like hours, but was probably just a few minutes, Headmaster Dippet ordered someone to bring out the sorting hat.

One by one their names were being called. As the line started getting shorter in front of her, her breathing started coming out in small gasps. It was a lifetime opportunity to be a part of the sorting ceremony but she somehow had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. According to her theory, the sorting hat would look into her mind and that was the last thing she wanted. If her secrets of time travelling were out, she didn't know what Hogwarts would do to her.

"Parks, Zayden!"

Zayden gasped and skipped towards the small stage that they had prepared. He got up and sat on the wooden chair with his feet dangling in the air. The hat was placed on top of his head by a professor she couldn't really recognise. But the lady resembled Professor McGonagall from the books.

The hat was a size too big for the poor boy so it covered his eyes. Maybelle could make out the huge grin on Zayden's face as the hat whispered something to him.


Maybelle slightly jumped at the loud voice. She could hear the Griffindor table howl in excitement. The small boy strode towards his house with a puffed out chest and a smug look on his face. Maybelle rolled her eyes in annoyance, already guessing that she would never hear the end of his loud chatter about being in his dream house.

"Wright, Maybelle!"

She gulped and walked towards the chair with tiny footsteps. While crossing the teacher's panel she could feel a pair of piercing blue eyes on her. Her head snapped towards them involuntarily and her eyes widened in surprise.

Oh my sugar cookies, it's Dumbledore!

A grin stretched across her lips and she lightly waved at the old man. His intelligent eyes held a look of amusement but he returned her gesture with a polite smile.

Oh, my heart!

She finally sat on the chair and a feeling of dread came upon her. The leathery smell of the hat hit her nose as soon as it was placed on top of her head.

Her nose started twitching all of a sudden.

Oh no. Dust!


The Great hall was stunned to silence. But her sneezing did not stop there. She squeezed her nose between her thumb and pointer finger in order to stop the coming storm inside her nostrils.

The sorting hat cleared his throat and started speaking inside her mind.

"So, you go by your fake name. I wonder why......."


She fumbled within the folds of her robes and fished out a white handkerchief.

"Ah, you have a very strong force blocking your mind. Nothing I can't break through," the hat declared and Maybelle felt a stinging sensation spreading through her head. Her eyes squeezed shut and her fist gripped the fabric of her grey skirt.

"Oh, what is this?"

Maybelle held her breath in anticipation.

"There seems to be no memory before you were taken in that orphanage. Interesting......."

𝕲𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈[𝕬 𝕿𝖔𝖒 𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞]Where stories live. Discover now