Tom had never felt so frustrated in his entire life. The reason? Well, take wearing a skirt for starters. His legs were almost numb for not being able to sit properly. On top of that, he could feel the prying eyes of several boys on him in every corridor.
His infamous glare was also not working on people. Maybe because he was not tall and intimidating anymore. Maybe because he was stuck in the body of a chipmunk.
He was on his way to his potions class when someone stopped him. He turned around while whipping his long hair unintentionally. A murderous look shadowed upon his face. His hand itched to just whip out his wand and blast the intruder with some deadly curse.
"Maybelle, please, let me explain myself," Peter begged. If only he knew that it was not Maybelle who he was speaking to. The boy went to grab Tom's hand which he avoided like the plague.
"I do not want anything to do with you," Tom snapped and started walking away. But Peter was persistent. The boy grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards some empty corridor. Tom cursed under his breath for being trapped inside such a weak body. No matter how many times he tried to free himself, Peter did not let go.
Much to his dismay, Peter pulled him into an isolated corridor after struggling a bit. Tom had to bite his tongue on order to stay calm.
"It is true that I lied to you. But my love for you was never made up. I started loving you from the very first day I saw you," Peter rambled.
The boy grabbed Tom's hands between his own. If looks could kill, Peter would be burnt to ashes.
"I never thought that things would come this far. I was going to tell you everything. found out..." Peter trailed off, still holding onto Tom's hands. The heir of Slytherin was seeing all red. He was breathing heavy and his hands were itching to punch the daylights out of the Hufflepuff prefect. If only he was in his own body.
"Please, give me a second chance. Let me prove myself to you," he pleaded, at the same time pulled Tom closer to him. Tom looked horrified. He was considering his options on murdering a prefect at broad daylight.
Peter rested his head against Tom's forehead and closed his eyes. He assumed that it was okay as Tom was delaying in his reaction. The poor heir of Slytherin was frozen in his place. He was petrified. For the first time in his life, he wanted Leo to tell him what he should do.
"I knew you would forgive me," Peter whispered as he pulled away from Tom, but didn't let go of his hand. Tom started seeing black once Peter started to lean. He had enough. Tom let his sinister smirk shadow his face. Poor Peter was still oblivious.
The heir of Slytherin gently freed his hand from Peter's grasp. He lifted it up to his cheek making Peter smile in glee. But soon, the hand closed into tight fist and before the boy could react, Tom swung at him with all his might. He nodded to himself when he heard a satisfying crack.
Peter howled in pain. Tom could only smirk wider.
The Hufflepuff prefect stumbled to keep his balance. His nose was bleeding. Tom didn't have an ounce of guilt in his features.
"I told you to stay away. Make sure you keep that in mind," Tom warned one last time and turned away. He massaged his knuckles while smiling widely. Who knew a simple punch could make someone feel so good? Maybe instead of threatening everyone with magic, he should punch more people.
Tom brushed off the invisible dust from his skirt and glided through the corridors. He entered the potions class with the same glare evident on his face. It was strange how he wanted to punch anyone that looked his way. He wished that his sudden infatuation with throwing punches would not be a long lasting effect.

𝕲𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈[𝕬 𝕿𝖔𝖒 𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞]
FanfictionEveryone knew Tom Riddle. He was the golden boy of Hogwarts. The best student of his year. He wished to become the best wizards of all time and nobody expected any less from him. But nobody knew him like Leo. She knew who he truly was and who he wou...