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Marrying Louis was indeed the best option they had. But Leanna was right. He wouldn't survive it. That's why he needed to pull off this last trick. This last deceit. No matter the consequences.

Harry did not know how much time had passed in his haze when Niall finally arrived. "You better have a very good reason to make me miss the feast, Harry!" Niall's voice came from outside the chamber. "Dying of starvation is a real thing, you know that right?"

How was he going to face him? What was he going to say? Leanna and Louis were right outside the door! What would they say?

The pressure was too much.

"HARRY!?" He heard the door crash open and the sound of running boots. Niall skidded to his knees next to him. He was soon picked up and gently engulfed in a tight warm hug while Niall rocked him like a baby from side to side. "For Gods' sake Harry, what happened!?!"

Harry just shook his head and hid his face in Niall's chest.  He just wanted to go away from everything. For everything to stop. Had he not sacrificed enough already? What more could the fates possibly demand from him?

The past two weeks had been rough. After the attack in the woods, the old nightmares had started to resurface with vengeance. One moment, he was having an amazing time with his friends, out in the streets of Megara. The next, he was back again in that darkness of Darius. His skin crying out in remembrance as his brain fought to suppress the broken agonized memories.

But it was becoming extremely difficult control it. As if the lie refused to remain silent any longer. Harry guessed the recent events had triggered it. It had been ages since he last got the nightmares. But he was afraid of dealing with them all over again. Every time he closed his eyes...

Nope...You are not thinking about that! Concentrate on one life altering catastrophe at the moment.

Harry had sworn he would never wed. He just couldn't bear it. That's why Lenna was so crushed. She had to stand there and see Harry throw away his life and sanity for the sake of peace! She knew how much his freedom had mattered to him. She was ready to mince Hans into ground meat for his sake. But Harry couldn't let her do it and risk war!

And then Louis happened. The guy was amazing. A bit rough on the edges, but he had treated Harry like an equal right from the start. He was funny and sweet and had this sense of honor. Spending time with him had been so nice. And although he still wasn't completely comfortable around him yet. There was still a chance...of something.

The perfect kind of alpha. A voice from his past whispered. Another secret amongst so many.

But Harry wasn't perfect. He was broken. And he could not let Louis suffer due to his...restrictions.

"Did someone try to.... Should I call for Leanna? Or the healer perhaps?" Niall's worried voice pulled him back into reality and he vehemently shook his head.

"No one is allowed to enter my chamber except you Niall. Not even Lea." He finally mumbled out as he pulled back from Niall's embrace. But he couldn't meet his eyes so he just inspected the carpet. 

It was a very pretty carpet. Soft.

His skin was soft, warm with fever. The touch at first was like air itself. It was a just a harmless dream.

Harry blinked. It was happening again.

"Haz, you're scaring me.... What's going on?" Niall softly pushed back his curls from his face and wiped away his tears from his cheeks. "You know you can trust me with anything, right?"

Actions and Consequences || l.s. au ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang