
I saw him in a restaurant, he's scrolling through his phone and there are so many paperbags on the floor. I assumed he bought everything.

"Why did you buy so many things?" I asked him when I sit down.

"If girls can do this, then I can too." He said while still on his phone.


I sighed, this guy is something irritating.


"I'll order now." I told him

"Suit yourself," he answered.

I called the waiter and she gave me two menus. I put the other one in front of him because he is very busy on his phone. I ordered a steak since I'm on a cheat day.

"Just the tuna," he said. Does he knew all the foods here?

"Drinks, ma'am?"

"Mango shake will do."

"Give me a bottle of wine." He added. The waitress nodded and gets the menus before leaving.

I suddenly remember Jisoo. She doesn't want neither of us using cellphones while hanging out together. She said, we are having a quality time together so we must spend it wisely. Plus, she will order so many foods because she knew I will eat hers when I have a chance.

Goodness, I miss her so bad.

"You're married right?" he suddenly asked me and put down his phone..

"Yeah." I answered.

"How's the married life?" I don't really know what to answer so I pause for a moment. "Oh right, did you guys divorced already? Or just split up or something?"


"No. We are not divorced." I told him "...yet," I continued

"Well, it's kinda on the news right now. What happened?"


"Do you think I will tell you?" I raised my eyebrow


"Oh, I thought you'll tell me and I'll tell you mine too." he shrugged.


"Why did you even invite me to eat? Just to tell your story?" I asked him.

He chuckled, "Well... Maybe? I haven't talk about this to anyone. So maybe you're interested to know."

"I'm not going to be your fake girlfriend," I told him directly.

He looks so shocked then suddenly he laughs so hard.


"Why are you laughing?!" I glared at him

"Fake what? What am I? A 10 year old boy? Hahahahaha!" He said before laughing again.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.


"You got a unique humor. That's fine with me." He said before wiping his tears because of laughing.

"Thank God we're in public or else I'll choke you here!"
I threatened him

"First of all, I didn't invite you to be my fake girlfriend.. Actually, being in an arrange marriage is a bullshit for me. Imagine being married to someone you don't even know? You don't even love?" he shook his head. "But at some point, I just accept it. I don't have time for love though, so maybe this way would be okay."

"Being married is like you're being tied up. You can't do some other things you love—"

"Nope," he disagreed.

"What?" I asked in confused.

"Being married is being free. Free from all this shits and being free of whatever you want to be. Your partner is just there to support, to guide and to love you. If you're being tied up, then it's a marriage without love. Love should be always there."


I didn't say anything. He is telling me that as if.. as if he knew what is happening to me. As if he knew what is the answer to my confusion. And that hit me.

Jisoo was always there. Jisoo didn't leave. Jisoo loves me. She always does. I was wrong. I was wrong for thinking that she is ruining what I want, wherein fact she was always there just to support and love me. She never said no. She didn't, not even once. And I'm too dumb for that.

"And as for me, I'll just go with the flow."

"W-Why are you going to marry that someone anyway?" I asked him.

"Her parents wants a child. My parents wants money. A win win, yeah?" He said. After that, our food arrived.

"I-Is it possible? You marry someone without love?"

"It is.. but not for everyone. Well, you do love your wife before you marry her right?" he asked before sipping his wine.

"I do. So much." I answered.

"But what happened?" he asked. "Why everything torn apart?"

"Because of me." I answered honestly. "It was me. I was so selfish. I just.. I just lose me senses. I just woke up and suddenly I wanted my old life back. I.. I regret."

"It happens." He said, "When you just miss your old self and you wanted that back.. But you have to learn that it already happened. You have to focus on what you have right now. Because the moment you lose your focus in your present because you keep on chasing your past? You might lose your future too. You learn from the past, you do what's right in the present, and maybe you'll do good in the future."



"You know what I mean,"


Learn from the past.

Focus on the present.

Do good in the future?


"Thank you for this dinner though. I learned.. something from you. That makes sense,"

"I know you need that," he smiled. "And I saw you staring at me and my Father a while ago."

"F-Father?" My eyes widened.

"Yup. Director Park.. is my Dad. He wanted a good future for me."

"You're okay with that?"

He nods. "I'm an aspiring musician. They don't like it at first, but I told them I won't marry that woman if they won't let me do my dream."


"What a dreamy boy you are." I chuckled. "Well, good luck on that."


"Good luck to you too. I just know you're going on through something. I hope I helped you."

"Yeah, you did." I smiled, "Am I invited on your wedding?" I joked.

He opened his bag and handed me an scented envelope.

"Yup. But you should go to our engagement first."

thank you 13k!

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