"Do you want a bath? I could have Tanaka..."

"No. No I don't think that would be wise today." Even the little effort put forth to sit up had taken more out of him than he'd been prepared for, and he sighed softly, closing his eyes. "Come, lay with me, little kitten." Ciel set down the glass and crawled into bed, leaning gently against Sebastian's side, legs curled next to him, bracing himself with one arm for support, so as not to put too much weight on the frail butler. Sebastian wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close and kissed him deeply; passionate, and tender. Ciel pressed a hand to Sebastian's cheek and returned the kiss, his bottom lip quivering, a tear slipping down his cheek. He leaned away, blushing, and sniffled, wiping the tear away with the back of his hand.


"No. No apologies for me, little kitten." He stroked Ciel's cheek gently and gave him a half smile. "I think, I will be the one who owes an apology." Ciel furrowed his brow, looking concerned and took Sebastian's hand in his own. Sebastian leaned his head back against the pillows, looking over at Ciel, smiling sadly. Beatrice hopped up on the bed, meowing loudly and Sebastian glanced down at her. "Hello there, my dear. You come lay with me as well. I want both my little kittens." Beatrice came nose to nose with Sebastian and sniffed at him before licking the tip of his nose gently. Ciel smiled and stroked her fur and she laid down on Sebastian's lap where he could rest his hand on her side, stroking her fur with his fingertips. Ciel sat a little higher than Sebastian, and looked down at him, brushing locks of black hair from his eyes, stroking his cheek gently, generally doting over him.

"Can I bring you anything? Can I..."

"No, kitten. Just... stay. Stay with me, now." Sebastian took Ciel's hand and entwined their fingers. "Do you know, what my favorite part of this life has been?" he asked quietly, turning to look at Ciel with tired smile. Ciel shook his head, mismatched eyes searching for any sign something may be wrong. "I think it's been holding you while you sleep. You talk in your sleep, you know." Ciel laughed in spite of himself and shook his head, resting his head against Sebastian's shoulder.

"Shut up, no I don't."

"Oh, yes. Yes, you do." Sebastian chuckled softly, kissing his forehead. "I want you to make me a promise, kitten." Ciel sat up then, head tilted and nodded quickly.


"Promise me you'll remember. Human memory is such a fragile thing, but I should very much like to know you will remember me." Ciel blinked rapidly, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"Of-of course I will... Sebastian, I could never forget you... but... why would I..." Even as he spoke the realization set in and he began to panic, shaking his head.

"That will make me very happy, kitten." Sebastian smiled sadly and a blood red tear fell from his own eye, trailing a garish line down his hollow cheek. "Thank you." The demon sighed deeply, stroking Beatrice's fur gently, looking back over to Ciel, a few more tears spilling down his cheeks. "I'm a bit frightened. I've never died before." A quiet laugh turned into a cough and Ciel leapt into action, ringing Mey-Rin and retreating the glass of water again, helping Sebastian take a little drink. Beatrice hopped down off the bed and sat in the chair Ciel had left vacant, mewling quietly as she watched.

"No! No, not yet... you're ok... it was just... you'll be fine just... sit up a little and..." Sebastian shook his head, smiling weakly and reached for Ciel.

"Come, kitten. Please." Ciel almost burst into tears right then but managed to contain himself long enough to crawl back into his butler's arms, laying his head against his chest, listening to his slow heartbeat, once loud and even, now quiet and skipping. "I've held you when you've been frightened; will you do the same for me? Will you stay until I sleep?" Ciel lost it, tears streaming down his cheeks and he wrapped his arms around Sebastian, pulling him into his arms, manipulating him until he was laying with his head against Ciel's shoulder, hand pressed to the young Lord's cheek. Ciel sat with his back to the headboard, a leg on either side of Sebastian, cradling him close, running fingers through his hair. When Mey-Rin entered the room she stopped by the door, covering her mouth with her hand to quiet herself.

"Sebastian... please don't go... please don't... I can't... I command it! You must stay!" Sebastian smiled, another crimson tear falling from his own eye and he kissed Ciel gently.

"You cannot command me not to die, my spoiled little kitten. I've told you before."

"Sebastian please don't go..." The demon sighed quietly and rested his head against Ciel's shoulder, his breathing beginning to slow as he fell towards his sleep.

"I've loved you so deeply." He whispered, fingertips stroking Ciel's cheek gently. "It was a great gift, Ciel Phantomhive. Thank you."

"I love you, too..." Ciel whispered, sniffling. He felt Sebastian's fingers slip down his cheek and rest at his collarbone, then slide limp down his side. Breath caught in the young Lord's throat and he panicked, squeezing Sebastian's body, shifting beneath him. "Sebastian?" He looked down at him and saw hooded eyed, half open, only a trace of spoiled garnets peeking out from beneath them. "SEBASTIAN!" He screamed and shook the lifeless body in his arms, once his loyal butler, turned his cherished lover, now departed. He shrieked and rocked back and forth, swaying on the bed with Sebastian's body in his arms, lying limp against him. Mey-Rin sniffled and approached, crying herself and reached out a hand.

"Young Master..."

"NO! BRING HIM BACK! I WANT HIM BACK!" Ciel wailed and grasped at the demon's body as if he could somehow squeeze and shake the life back into him. The noise brought Tanaka, Bard and Finny in from the hallway, all of them standing quiet against the door, each stifling their own tears as they watched their Master fall apart.

"Master... 'e's gone..." Bard said quietly, moving towards the bed. "You gotta..."

"NO! NO I CAN'T! I can't do it again..." Ciel looked at them standing there, each of them mourning in their own way, still stunned into semi-silence, and shook his head. "He'll come back... he's always come back..." Tanaka shook his head and took a step forward.

"Young Master... I'm afraid he won't be coming back this time." Ciel looked up at him, heartbroken and then back to Sebastian's body. He shook his head and pulled Sebastian's body down the bed a little, pulling the demon's lifeless arms around him, desperate to be held, and the scene broke Mey-Rin, who ran from the room in tears, Finny shortly behind, both of them sobbing in the hallway.

"Sebastian..." Ciel bawled helplessly into Sebastian's chest and felt warmth emanating from the demon's body. The bluenette perked, sitting up quickly, a hopeful smile curling his lips in anticipation of his butler's return. Before his eyes, the wasted body of his loyal butler began to turn pallid, burning from the inside, collapsing into piles of ash that vaguely held the shape of his human form. Horrified, Ciel reached out and touched Sebastian's burnt cheek only to see the ash crumble beneath his fingers, the night shirt the butler had worn deflating as the ash broke apart inside it. Ciel began to shake his head, looking desperately to Tanaka, who silently wiped a tear from his own eye.

"Young Master..."

"NO!" Ciel screamed and fumbled under his pillows, finding his revolver and cocked it, holding it to his temple. Tanaka started, and Bard gasped loudly from the doorway. No one dared to speak, both staring at Ciel as he knelt beside the ashen stain that was his love, silver barrel held to his temple, blood and ash smearing his face and clothes, his eyes, now both watery sapphire, looked sadly at Tanaka. "I can't lose him too. I won't..." And Ciel pulled the trigger.

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