Unknown Allies

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Your body froze as soon as you heard the panicked voices outside. Sukuna on the other hand, cooly buttoned up his shirt and sighed, as if it was just another pesky errand he had to deal with.

"Stay here, it should be taken care of within the next 5 minutes," Sukuna said, only glancing at you slightly as you lay underneath the sheets.

Having heard the confidence in his voice, you tried to remain calm but your intuition told you that this isn't an attack by weak, overconfident curses who had nothing better to do. No one was arrogant enough to attack Sukuna unless they already knew that they would win.

But alas, you waited 5 minutes like you were instructed to. This seems to have only worsened your nerves because the only thing you heard was the ever-growing ruckus and screams coming from the floor below. Pretty soon, the blanket was suffocatingly hot; but at least this meant that your fever is wearing off faster than you expected.

So, throwing the blanket to the ground, you quickly dressed in a modest dress and built up the courage to leave your room. You held onto the door handle and pressed your ear closely against it, trying to decipher what was unfolding outside.

The only thing you heard was an authoritative voice, a voice so powerful and commanding that you imagined it bouncing off the delicate walls of the mansion as it travelled upstairs. Listening for a few more seconds, you guessed that it belonged to a male in his 50's. And judging by the impeccable diction and grammar he possessed, you knew right away that this man worked for the Government.

"I know that you're keeping my niece captive here, bring her out this instant or you will loose all of your ruling privelges," the voice said, even more aggressive than before.

Your eyes widened hearing his words and you immediately flung open your sliding door. Running down the stairs, you felt stupid for not recognizing his voice earlier. That authority, righteousness and drive to protect his family: it was none other than your uncle. He had come to save you.

Entering the main floor, your eyes vaguely registered all of Sukuna's guards being constrainted by binding spells. The whole mansion was overcrowded with government employees, jujutsu sorcerers and Sukuna's goons. And from the looks of it, Sukuna's men failed to hold off this unannounced infiltration by the government since they all lay defeated on the ground.

But that didn't matter right now, your wish was coming true. You were so close to freedom. Your eyes landed on your uncle who seemed so distraught yet angry. This was enough to induce the tears you had been holding back for all this month. Without a second thought, you jumped into your uncle's arms, letting all the tears fall onto his comforting shoulder.

He quickly returned the embrace and whispered over and over again, "You're going to be fine, it's all over now."

These were the words you longed and prayed to hear every single day. These were words you had given up on hearing as your marriage to Sukuna came dauntingly close. But here are you, being rescued by your own family. The feeling was surreal; you almost refused to believe it.

Abruptly, a bloodcurling scream erupted in the room. You turned around to see that Sukuna had beheaded a government employee. The employee's head rolled towards your feet, his lifeless eyes agape and pointed towards the sky. His body softy hit the floor in a thud, blood spluttering furiously out of his neck.

This was enough for every employee there to point their gun at Sukuna, with more than 10 sorecerers binding Sukuna's arms behind his back using their cursed energy. Sukuna errupted in deranged and bone-chilling laughter.

"You dare come to my land and stop me from marrying my bride?" Sukuna said, his icy cold voice cutting through the tense air.

"You've never received consent from [y/n] for this marriage. Kidnapping my niece, forcing her to be your bride and carelessly killing government employees breaches your contract with us. So we're taking away all your ruling privileges," Your uncle replied firmly and squeezed your hand in a reassuring manner.

"Since when do you care about who people marry? You human politicians exploit women who haven't even turned 13 years in age," Sukuna spat back, furiously trying to break free from his constraints.

"Be glad that we even allowed a bastard like you to help us in the first place! You are never to see or come near [y/n] again."

With those final words, your uncle began leading you out the mansion. You fully relied on your uncle to guide you as you walked away because your vision was blurry and unfocused.

The angry grunts of disapproval from Sukuna's men in the background drained out every other thought in your head. Eventually all you heard was an overwhelming ringing in your ears.

The overstuffed room only made these sensations worse by exacerbating your claustrophobia.

I refuse to believe all of this over. It's too good to be true.

As soon as you thought that to yourself, you had lost. Because it was almost as if Sukuna was reading your thoughts, waiting to take advantage of your emotional distress.

As soon as your heart began to weigh down with pessimism and disbelief, he called out your name in the most affectionate manner. But like always his voice was laced with insurmountable conceitedness.

Conceited because he knew he had control over you or conceited because he knew that you were thinking of him; you couldn't place your finger on which one was the case here. 

He continued call out your name even after he was met with bone-shattering punches from the sorcerers each time. You glanced back to see his smug face dripping with blood and staring at you with a wicked grin.

"You're just going to leave after everything we did together?" He called, voice raspy from all the punches and in a tone too arrogant for the position he's in.

"Ignore him," Your uncle instructed, fastening his pace while ushering you outside.

Sukuna began again, "Leave as many times you want but I'll always bring you back to me. There's nowhere in this world you can run to now, you already belong to me."

You stopped dead in your tracks; Sukuna just tapped into your inner most fears and was using that to intimidate you one last time. Glancing back ever so slightly, your distressed eyes met his vicious gaze.

He grinned, "I'll see you on our wedding day."

The words made you sick; even to the very last second he remained the most cunning and evil bastard alive. Gulping down the bile that had been rising in your throat, you ran out the mansion in a frenzy. Hopefully, Sukuna was just boasting when he said he'd bring you back.

But you knew him better than that. Sukuna always gets what he wants.

A/N: Hello beautiful readers! Sorry for re-publishing this several times but the first two times it didn't exactly read the way I was hoping for it to read? Idk I've been kinda busy with work too but this is a nice escape.

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