the plan

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Sonic and Lilac are running out of the palace. Warriors of Shang Tu is standing in front of the exit holding their shields.

Lilac's eyes widens. "They're blocking the entrance!"

"Not for long!" Sonic rolls into a ball and knocks them all down like pins.

"STRIKE!" Sonic yells out. Lilac jumps over the gaurds and exits the palace. Sonic lands next to Lilac, smirking.

"Sorry Royal Magister, but my friend needs those Chaos Emeralds!" Lilac said.

They both increased their speed, creating a sonic boom.

Thirty minutes early with Eggman and Brevon, they're rebuilding their egg pawns and shade elites. While rebuilding, they start to explain who their arch-nemesis is. "They call it "the Kingdom Stone." I tried to steal it to power up my ship after it crash landed on Avalice. But I was stopped by one of the locals."

"And that would be?" Eggman asked.

"An annoying, impudent dragon girl and her feline and canine sidekicks! That dragon girl made me the laughing stock on this planet!" Brevon spat.

Eggman nodded in understandance. "I'm sorry to hear that." Eggman said, feigning sympathy. "Hey, I have a similar problem myself. It's that annoying, impudent blue hedgehog named Sonic and his limbless friend! He's always destroying my tech and making a fool out of me with his namesake super speed! Along with Rayman, he destroys my tech as well!"

"This Sonic person sounds as troublesome as the dragon girl who ruined my reputation..." Brevon mused distastefully.

"Oh, how about this, I thought that since we have very similar problems, we could team up and rid ourselves of our arch-nemesis. Then we go to Rayman's universe so we can destroy Rayman as well. Finally, we will make a war between Mobius and Avalice." Eggman explained his plan.

"I would agree on such a proposal!" Brevon said, agreeing.

Eggman and Brevon started chuckling evilly, hoping their plan would work.

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